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"Darling, wake up" your mother cooed softly. "It's your first day of your new job." Placing her hand onto your arm she nudged you gently. As your sleeping body began to wake you turned to her, "but I thought I started next week?" Your mother perched herself on the edge of your bed.

"That you were meant to yes, but your father thought it would be a good idea to start today. We have a business party coming up and we want you to be settled in." She replied with a smile.

Looking over to the clock it read 7:00am. "Now come on, get up, get washed and get dressed. I'm just making breakfast so be down before it gets cold." Kissing your forehead she then left the room.

Collapsing onto the bed you stretched out your body. "Thank god I went to bed early" you spoke to yourself.


You walked down the stairs in a black pencil skirt, black shirt and black heels, today was an all black attire day.

Walking into the kitchen the smell of bacon flew up your nasal passage. "There's my girl" your dad welcomed with a smile. "You look lovely dear" your mother chimed. "Wasn't exactly prepared so I grabbed the first items I saw." You replied as you approached the table. "Plus I don't exactly know the dress code."

Pulling the newspaper down from his face your father turned to you. "As long as your dressed smart and appropriately turn your mother and I cannot complain."
Placing the plates onto the table you all began to eat the delicious breakfast your mother made.

At the Office

"Good morning Mr and Mrs y/l/n." A handsome gentleman welcomes from behind the reception desk. "Good morning Namjoon" Your father greets. "And who is this lovely young lady?" He asks.

"Namjoon meet our daughter y/n, this is her first day here." Your mother introduces as a dimpled smile grew on his lips. "Namjoon is the receptionist here." Your father adds. Holding out your hand you smiled at him, "it's nice to meet you Namjoon hope we can become good friends." Accepting the hand shake he looked into your eyes. "Likewise."

"Y/n me and your mother have some meetings to attend too, in the meantime we will leave you with Namjoon. He's going to help you get set up with your documents and photo ID." Your father speaks. "Once your finished come and find us on the thirtieth floor."

You nodded, "Sure, have a good meeting." Waving then goodbye you watched them head for the elevators.
Turning to Namjoon he had a smile on his face. "Let's go get you set up."

Once you both walked into a room Namjoon directed you to stand against the white background to have your photo taken.

"Do I have to smile or?" You asked as Namjoon stood behind the camera, "Whatever you like" he replies. "Your smile is beautiful so go for that." Holding a gentle smile you waited for him to count you down.

Hearing the shutter sound of the camera Namjoon pulled away, inspecting the photograph. "Nice, let's get that printed."
Heading over to the printer he collected the photo and slid it into the land-yard.

"So this is now yours. This ID card will get you in and out of the buildings and also into certain rooms. Please keep it safe." He states sternly. "Of course, thank you" you say as you place the land-yard over your head.

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