Take Care

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So sorry for not publishing in over a month, last week I caught Covid and I'm still trying to get over it. Thank you to everyone who's been really patient.

Pulling on the soft bed covers you held your hand over your mouth as a harsh and powerful cough irrupted from your throat.
Reaching over to your bedside table ready to take a sip of ice cold water your heart immediately sunk, the see through glass was empty. Placing it back down in annoyance another cough escaped your dry mouth. In complete weakness your body fell back onto the warm bedding beneath you.

As your eyes began to close your bedroom door slowly opened up. "Honey. Are you ok?" your husband of two years, Taehyung asked as he entered the room.
Without lifting your head you replied with a blunt 'no'

Taking a seat on the edge of the bed, just beside you Taehyung held out his arm which had a fresh glass of water within his hands. "Here, I believe this is something you need."
Tilting your head your eyes opened in relief once you saw the glass. Sitting up you brought it close and took a huge gulp of water, it's sharp cold temperature made your throat tingle.

This was something you and your dry throat oh so desperately needed.

Closing your eyes in content Taehyung smiled happily as he took the glass away and placed it onto the table beside you both. "Would you like any cough medicine?" Liking your lips to moisten them you nodded softly, "think some lip balm is also called for" he teased as he inspected your cracked yet red lips.

"They don't look that dry do they?" You asked as you ran your finger tips across them. "No, but I can tell you need your lip balm honey. Let me just grab some medicine then I'll be back."

Planting a gentle kiss onto your forehead Taehyung took the old empty glass with him and soon left the room.
Looking down to your left you couldn't help but show a small smile as you watched Yeontan sleep in content.

Combing your fingers through his dark yet soft fur Taehyung was walking back into the room. A spoon in one hand while the other held onto a slim looking box.

"Here. Just two spoon fulls should do the trick." Re-taking his seat he pulled the medicine bottle out of the box, unscrewed the lid and poured the brown looking liquid onto the spoon.

Scrunching your nose in disgust Taehyung looked up to you, "it's not as bad as you think honey." Guiding the spoon up to your lips you took each of the two spoon fulls of medicine with ease. "See, told you" Taehyung giggled as he screwed the lid back onto the bottle. "Yeah, you're right" you answered simply.

"Did you want me to open the window slightly?"
Your eyes widened, "open the window? Tae I have a cold." Placing the back of his hand onto your forehead he starred into your eyes. "Your boiling hot y/n, you need to let some air into the room too."

Nodding in acceptance and also failure that you weren't going to win Taehyung stood to his feet and opened up the window, leaving it on the latch.
"There we go. Is there anything else you need?" Taehyung asked once more.

Shaking your head you soo began to fall back onto the warm sheets of your king sized bed. "No thank you, think I'm just going to have a nap."
As you closed your eyes Taehyung tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear and kissed your temple. "Rest up, I'll come and check on you in a few hours."

"I love you" you whispered softly.
"I love you too."

As Taehyung closed the door behind him he thought of a lovely idea on how to make you smile. Rubbing his hands together he made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Your favourite soup was indeed one way to your heart, specially when you were sick on a day like this.

Few Hours Later

Rolling onto your back your eyes soon opened up. The bright afternoon's sun peaking through the curtains made you smile. As you sat up you quickly noticed that Yeontan was no longer beside you, but what made you perk up was the wonderful aroma you could finally smell up your nasal passage.

Upon hearing a loud noise from the kitchen you pushed the bed covers off your body and allowed your body to leave the room.

Taking each step down the stairway the aroma grew stronger and stronger. Hearing tiny feet making their way towards you Yeontan greeted you with a happy smile, his fluffy tail waggling behind his small frame. "Hey Yeo, where's Tae at?"

As you entered the kitchen you saw Taehyung pouring some hot soup into two white bowls. Crossing your arms over your chest you leaned against the door frame in happiness.

Wiping his hands on his apron Taehyung jolted in fright the moment he caught glimpse of you. "Honey, what are you doing out of bed? You'll get cold" he scolded as he noticed you were still in your pajamas.
"I know but once I woke up and I could smell something amazing so I came down to see."

Placing his hand onto your shoulder he guided you both to the dining table. "Well when you went to sleep I decided to make your favourite soup." You smiled brightly, "you do know a way to a women's heart." "Only yours" he grinned as he took a seat next to you.

Letting the red liquid cover the silver spoon the hot steam trickled over your face. Allowing your lips come in contact you slurped up the warm soup, being careful not to burn your mouth.
"Is it good?" Taehyung asked in slight hesitation.
Nodding in acknowledgement you looked over to him, "Just what I needed, thank you Tae."

"You're welcome. Now eat up before it gets cold."
"Tae it's boiling hot, it's going to take ages to cool down" you chuckled, "I know" he replied before taking a spoon full of soup.

"Are you feeling any better?" Taehyung asked as he walked into the room with two warm cups of tea in his hands.

Gently taking the mug from his hands you replied with a soft "yes."
Propping up the pillows against the headboard Taehyung then took his seat beside you, wrapping his right arm over your shoulders, pulling you close.

"Tae, I'll give you my cold if you pull me any closer." But all he did was mumble, "And? You can then look after me like I've done for you, and also I get more time off work to be with you."
Rolling your eyes you rested against his chest, "don't go deliberately taking time off work just to see me Tae."

"I know" he stated with reassurance, "if I get it, I get it nothing can be done other then get better. Now let's watch this film."
Pressing play on the remote he set it aside as both pairs of your eyes glued themselves to the Tv screen.

As the movie soon came to an end your eyes slowly began to feel hazy and tired. Letting your head fall naturally you soon fell into a deep slumber.

Realising your sudden movement Taehyung held onto your body and gently moved you into a better position, making sure not to wake you.

When the credits began to show on the screen Taehyung leaned across and placed a loving kiss onto your red cheeks. "Good night my love" he whispered before pulling away and getting himself ready for bed.

With your eyes tightly shut you could still hear his soft voice speaking to you. The moment you heard him say good night you smiled from within. As much as you wanted to jolt awake and tell him how much you loved him your body was already too much in a deep slumber to even move.
Telling yourself you loved him the bed soon shifted from behind you. Feeling his arms wrap themselves around you made you feel safe, this was something he did every night before falling asleep. Having you close was all he needed.

"Thank you for taking care of me" you whispered before kissing his hands.
With an expectant of no reply you were shocked once you heard him whisper with "I always will."

Looking back you closed your eyes for the final time to drift off into a happy dream for the night.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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