Unknown Saviour

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Basing this chapter off a question I was asked the other day. 'If I could choose another job than what I do today, what would I do?' My reply was 'to become a paramedic'

"Good morning y/n" My colleague Emily greeted with a smile. "Good morning Em" I smiled as we both got into the ambulance. "How was your night?" She asked as she buckled herself in.
I sighed deeply, "the usual?" I nodded, "he slept on the couch."

Looking down I fiddled around with both of my engagement and wedding rings on my finger. "You can end this you know" looking up tears brimmed in my eyes. "I know, it's just" I paused as I looked out of the window. "It's hard to give it up. Everything we've had these past four years have just fallen to pieces."

Placing her hand onto my shoulder Emily sent me a reassuring smile. "Everything will be ok, don't you worry. Couples argue all the time and they eventually get back to their old selves. Take me and James for example, we argue all the time but after apologising and spending time with one another we begin to realise that fighting isn't always the answer."

Wiping away a stray fallen tear I smiled. "Thank you Em, b-but what if we don't get back to our old selves. What if he wants to file for a divorce? What if he finds someone better?"

"Trust me, you and Parker have the most beautiful relationship. The moment i introduced you both six years ago I knew he was going to be the one for you. Just how you connected was just beautiful. You both are too special to give up that now. Plus weren't you thinking about trying for a baby a while ago?"

I nodded. "Y-yes, but" I gulped. "Things just got complicated and I guess that was how our troubled relationship started." Emily frowned. "What do you mean things got complicated?"

"I had a miscarriage" I admitted. Emily's mouth fell ajar to my sudden statement. "Since when? Why didn't you tell me?" "I didn't want you or anyone to worry about it. We also wanted to wait until I was at least a month along to tell people. Within the first month of being pregnant things can happen to the baby, unfortunately in my case I had a miscarriage."

"I'm so sorry" Emily apologised as she wrapped her hand around mine, intertwining our fingers. "It's ok, it's not your fault." "So is this why you and Parker have been arguing this past month?" I nodded. "As much as I've been struggling with the miscarriage he also has too. We really thought this was it but I guess fate didn't want this to happen. I think he feels as though I'll never get pregnant again, therefore us both never having kids."'

"You will. Trust me, you are strong and that little miracle baby will come one day. Those things take time to heal from and fight through." Emily calmed. "What would I do without you?" I grinned. "You'll always have me. Now, let's get going."

"Calling into y/n and Emily." "Call receiving" I replied into the radio. "We've just had a call from a young woman saying she's just witnessed a car crash. Two males and one female are currently unconscious. Yunho and Dan are currently one of the first responders to the scene" "Ok, thank you. How far away?" Signalling Emily she began to turn the ambulance around. Typing the address onto the screen Emily set off the siren and began to drive to the scene.

Ending the call with the hospital I turned to Emily. "Two males and one female are unconscious after a car crash. Yunho and Dan are also on their way to the scene." "Ok" she replied as she drove through the mid afternoon traffic.

Once we arrived Emily pulled over into a safe place before we both got out and retrieved our emergency care bags.
Placing on my white gloves I approached Yunho. "What's the situation?"
"This male isn't responding, Dan and the fire department have been able to get response from the other drivers in the car ahead." He replied signalling to the impact on the black car. It's airbag had gone off and windshield was completely smashed.

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