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5 years old

"Noo Tae Tae give that back. I had it first" I screamed whilst running after him. "Finders keepers losers weepers" he replied with sly laughter.

I began to like him

13 years old.

"Hey give me back my pen" I yelled during class "I didn't bring one to class" Taehyung spoke, I shrugged. "So that's not my problem" I spat. "Oh come on, I'll get you another" he said snatching the pen from my clasp. I looked at him with my mouth wide, "thanks y/n your the bestest friend ever"

I liked him even more.

18 years old

"Stop coping my answers you dick" I scoffed "I didn't do any revision please y/n let me copy" I pulled my books away from his grip. "Fuck off Taehyung" I said with a harsh whisper. "If you had bothered to learn rather then go out every night then we wouldn't be having this problem." He sighed. "I'm sorry"

I began to fancy him.

22 years old.

"Kim Taehyung put me down at once" I shrieked as he threw me over his shoulder. He laughed happily. "Oh come on y/n it's just like old times." I growled continuously as I hit his back, "I don't care, put me down at once." I shouted. "You love it really so stop complaining."

That was then I fell in love with him


Since we were five years old myself and my bestfriend Taehyung have been inseparable. Yes we've had our ups and downs but we always find a way back to one another.

But the biggest secret which he will never know about is that I've fallen in love with him. I always have ever since we were kids, but it's best just to keep that to myself. He'll never like or love me back in that way, and knowing that killed me inside.

One afternoon myself and my close friend Jungkook were out buying gifts for Taehyung's birthday which was in a few days. "He's going to love this" Jungkook said with a smile as he looked down at the Gucci bag in my hands. I smiled at Jungkook "I hope he does." "Of course he will it's Gucci, anyway lunch?" Jungkook asked as we exited the store. "Yes I'm starving."

Walking along the shops we suddenly heard laughter ahead of us. We looked up to see Taehyung hand in hand with a girl, my heart shattered.

"I thought he said he was going to the studio today?" Jungkook spoke in confusion, however I just stayed quiet as I watched them smile at one another. "Y/n?" Jungkook said waving his hand in front of my face. "Huh. Sorry" I spoke in sadness, yet trying not to let it show.

"You love him don't you." He said looking at me with his eyebrows raised. I looked away from his stare, "you do?" I nodded shyly. "You should've- you know what never mind. Let's get out of here." Jungkook wrapped his arm around me and turned us away. Up until this very moment the day was going perfectly well, but I guess we can't always have good things.

"He's missing out y/n" Jungkook said making me look up at him. "He's missing out on a beautiful girl like you" I smiled and leaned closer into his chest. "Thanks kookie but seeing him happy is all that matters" He looked at me with sadness.

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