Mafia (2)

910 35 17

Please read part 1 before this chapter

As I looked into his eyes a pang of guilt hit my heart, and it hit it like a tone of bricks. The feeling of betrayal couldn't seem to shake away.

"Y/n? Whats going on?" Ace shouted into my ear piece, concern growing in her tone of voice.

Looking away from his gaze Taehyung took a step closer, causing me to instinctively back away.
As he softly called my name loud sirens could be heard in the distance to which they were growing closer and closer.

"Taehyung, do you have the girl?" A unknown officers voice called into the radio causing my ears to perk up, yet my heart was racing.

Lifting his hand he pressed the little black button on his radio, a deep sigh escaped his lips before replying with "I do."
Closing my eyes I breathed in and out, hearing Ace's voice on the other end of my ear piece made my nose scrunch in anger.

Yanking it out of my ear I broke the device into two. As I dropped it onto the ground two police cars entered the alleyway from each side, barricading us in.

"Boss, step away from the girl. She could have explosives on her" another officer called from a microphone. As my lips parted I held up my hands in surrender Taehyung's face falling apart. "Keep your hands up and slowly walk towards the car" the officer demanded.

Following his orders I slowly walked forward, but the moment I came face to face with the hood of car two very built and strong officers took me down. Wincing in pain I continued to let them hurt me.

This was all my fault

Hoisting me up to my feet the taller officer of the two brought me to his car.
As he shoved me into the back seat I looked out of the window to see Taehyung watching me with sadness.

My heart was beyond shattered now.

"Anything you say will be held against your will until you are stood in court." The officer spoke as he shoved me into a dark cell.
"You really thought you and your pathetic friends could have pulled this off huh?" another officer asked with a evil tone.

Looking up both officers laughed a little.
As one came closer my back came flush against the wall. "Well you and your little friends thought wrong, we will tear you apart piece by piece for what you and your friends did to our town."

As I turned my head away unbothered by his presence a sudden punch was thrown toward my abdomen causing me to tumble down with a loud squeal. "The only way you will be getting out of here is in chains" they snarled before leaving the cell and locking it shut behind them.

Falling to the ground the tears finally began to fall, curling into a ball I began to cry the night away.

Taehyung's POV:
As my elbows were rested onto my thighs my partner Hoseok came to my side.

"I know this is the last thing you want to hear right now but I'm sorry Taehyung, I really am. Y/n is such an innocent girl, I would never have thought-"

"Yeah well I never would have thought either Hoseok" I shouted in anger as I stood to my feet, cutting off Hoseok completely.

"She went behind my back for all these years and I had no idea. She murdered innocent people thinking she could get away with it but here she is sitting in a jail cell for trying to steal millions."

Sitting back in silence Hoseok placed his arm ontop of my upper back. Even though he didn't know what I was going through let alone what I was thinking he always knew what to do when I was down.

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