Unknown Saviour (2)

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Please read Part 1 before this

"Unknown saviour?" I chuckled toward Yunho. "Why are you laughing, that's what he's calling you."
"Well I've never been called a saviour before."
Yunho tutted. "Just go and pay him a visit you dimwit" Reaching out to ruffle my hair I was quick to swat his hand away.
"Mind the hair" I scolded.

"Hey y/n, when do you think you'll be ready to venture out again?" Dan asked as he took a seat at the table. "When she wants too asswipe" Emily fought as she sat beside me.

I laughed a little, "I'll venture when I'm ready" "So why are you here?" He enquired, yet earning another scold from Emily. "I wanted to visit a few of my patients that I helped before...you know" "Left" Dan finished. "I understand, but take all the time you need. It would be great to see you back out there, we're the fantastic four." Sending me a reassuring smile he stood from his seat, patting my shoulder he left the room to start his day.

"Will you be ok?" Yunho asked as he began to gather his bags. "I'll be fine" I smiled. "I'm always here if you need me, you know that" Placing my hand over his I smiled happily. "I know. I appreciate it thank you Yunho."

Nodding softly he threw his jacket over his shoulders. "Now go and pay that Taehyung a visit, he's keen to see you."

Following Emily and Yunho out of the staffroom Emily brought me aside. "You are one strong girl for coming back so soon." I looked down to the ground, away from her gaze. "I know, I just felt so hopeless sitting around at home. It almost felt like I was just waiting for him to walk through the door."

Pulling me close she wrapped her arms around my body. "It's ok, his funeral was beautiful. Your speech was wonderful." "Thanks Em"

"If you want anything to take your mind off from it you know where I am. I can request to be on driving duty if you want to explore." "I'll think about it" I replied with a smile.

"Have a good day ok?" She waved as I began to walk away in the opposite direction to her. "You too" I shouted causing nearby doctors to stare in our direction.
Chuckling softly I turned on my heel and headed for the recovery department.

Upon arrival I was greeted by the medical doctor, the one who dealt with Taehyung while he was recovering.
"Good morning y/n, it's very nice to see you back" he greeted with a handsome smile. "Thank you, it feels good to be back."

Guiding me through the hallways he looked down to me. "I just wanted to also send you my regards, it must have been hard losing your husband." I smiled discreetly, "Thank you. It was a shock to everyone but I'm glad he isn't in pain anymore. He had a lovely send off."

"That's the main thing of course" he agreed. I nodded, "yes, I also wanted to ask" "Anything" he smiled. "Taehyung" I paused. "Yes, he's recovering well, why do you ask?"
Twiddling my thumbs I answered him with a mumble. "I've heard he's asked for me."

Turning to me he placed his glasses onto his face. "Yes, ever since he first awakened. He wants to meet his unknown saviour." "Why is everyone saying that?" The doctor chuckled, "Maybe because that's what he's calling you. Anyway he's in a better recovery room, it's just at the end of the hallway." He replied pointing me in the direction.

"Thank you Doctor." "You're welcome" Waving him a subtle goodbye I headed for Taehyung's room.

Approaching the door I grew oddly nervous.

Why did I feel this way?

Knocking on the door I waited to be accepted inside.
Hearing male voices from the other side I tapped my foot on the ground, my hands snaking into my pockets.
As the door opened I was greeted with a gorgeous tall brown haired guy with two dimples.
"H-hi" I stuttered. "Is Taehyung here?" I asked softly.

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