Forced Breakup

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As the doors opened to Hybe entertainment you walked in with nerves building up inside you. With BTS currently working on their latest comeback you did all you could to visit as much as you could, alongside seeing the one person who made it all worth while.

But today was different. With Taehyung practising in the studio his manager called you in to talk over a few things. Pressing the button on the elevator you waited in anticipation as the doors closed and you begun moving upwards.

Reaching the 20th floor the doors chimed open. Taking a step you wiped your sweaty hands onto your jeans. As you walked along the corridor you heard the soft beating of music, the boys must be rehearsing.

Standing in front of his managers door you took a deep breath before knocking softly. "Come in." He answered, you held onto the doors handle and pushed it down, letting it open up. "Ah y/n." His manager smiled as he turned his attention away from his computer. "Have a seat." he gestured.

Closing the door you sat down in front of him. "So, you asked for me?"
"I did, now you're probably wondering as to why I've asked are here?" You bit your inner gums as you nodded. "Well I've been wanting to talk to you about this for quite sometime now but it's been hard to approach you about it." Your chest felt heavy.

"But it's your relationship with Taehyung." He spoke causing you to frown. "With BTS having their huge comeback we purely want him and the rest of the boys to be focused on that. We can't often help but notice that you distract him. He's constantly on his phone, he's late to practice and always leaves early to be with you." Tears brimmed in your eyes. "So as a company we think that it's best for you both to break up."

You blinked rapidly, "With all do respect we've been together for over three years. You can't expect us to throw it all away at the click of the fingers." He sighed. "And we don't expect you too. It was a hard choice to make but we feel like it would be much healthier for Taehyung down the line."
You let out a chuckle. "Well it's never been a problem in the past so how is it come a problem now? The fans agree with our relationship so it's not like they hate it. Plus I would hardly call myself distracting, I'm just supporting him."

His boss sat back into his chair, crossing his arms. "Even the boys have noticed his sudden changes, when Namjoon asked him what had him so distracted yesterday, Taehyung replied with you weren't answering his messages."

"That's because I was busy." You fought. "Well y/n because of that and many more things you two are just going to have to split. It's simple." "Simple, really?" "It's only for five months, I'm sure you both can come back together once it's all finished with."

"S-so that's it?" You asked softly. "Yes, and we kindly ask for your ID too." He asks holding out his hand. Retrieving the card you threw it onto his desk, "if you think you're doing the right thing then well." You shrugged. "Good luck with seeing him hurt." You spoke before getting up from the chair and leaving his office, slamming the door shut behind you.

When you reached the reception paparazzi were already waiting outside the building. Your eyes widened as a small tear fell down your cheek, you didn't even have time to process the situation yet you you're now going to have to tell everyone.

"Y/n" you turned to see Jimin with a worried expression. Shaking his head he came toward you, opening his arms he pulled you into his embrace. "Let's get you home." Turning you away from the doors you managed to leave through the buildings fire exit.

With Jimin's arm still wrapped around you he walked you to your car. "Everything will be ok" he wiped away your tears. "How do you know? Why me?" He shook his head as he looked down to the ground. "I-I don't know," he sighed. "I think it's best you don't contact any of us, including Taehyung." He spoke causing you to back away. "How can you say this? Jimin this isn't you." Your voice began to brake. Stepping back he looked at you one last time before turning around and heading inside.

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