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Happy 2022!

Upon hearing a soft knock at the door I gestured for the stranger on the opposite side to enter.
Watching the wooden door open up I was soon greeted with my boss, "oh good afternoon Mr Kang." I greeted with a smile.

"Afternoon y/n" he beamed. "What can I do for you?" I enquired as we both took a seat opposite one another. Resting his elbows onto his thighs he opened up a small brown folder. Flicking through the white pieces of paper Mr Kang looked up to me.
"There is a new client that is in need of your help, well the client doesn't actually know this is going on."

I frowned as I leaned back into my seat. "What do you mean?" Handing me one of the pieces of paper I inspected it closely, "Kim Taehyung" my eyes widened, "wait, the Kim Taehyung?" I enquired as I looked back up to Mr Kang.

"Yes, the-" "CEO" we both stated in unison. "Why does the CEO need me?" Throwing the folder onto the table Mr Kang sat back into the chair, one leg resting over the other, his thick thighs exposing themselves even further.

"Like I said just now Mr Kim doesn't actually know this is happening. One of his fellow colleagues, his secretary to be precise is very concerned about him."
Scanning back to the paper in my hands I began to read the paragraph.

"Since his wife passed away-" "wait he was married?" Mr Kang nodded, "I didn't know that" I whispered to myself. "Ever since his wife passed" Mr Kang continued, "he hasn't been himself, his secretary has quoted that everything goes wrong the moment Mr Kim enters any room. He seems to put his anger on anyone he lays eyes on."

Placing the paper down I looked back up to Mr Kang, "and what does this have to do with me?"
"Your the best in the business y/n. I need you to help him reflect on his issues and turn them into positive changes. You will have to set up a contract with him to establish what will be covered."

Looking away from his gaze I began to twiddle with my fingers, "I've also chosen you as he will have someone to relate too."
"So just because I lost my husband also makes that easier for him to relate to me?" I fought in anger.
"No" Mr Kang shook his head, "you can show him how you were able to change, how you were able to turn your issues into positive ones. You came to me two years ago y/n and I can see how wonderfully you've changed. You even became a therapist yourself."

Taking a deep breath I looked back up to Mr Kang, a small tear running down my outer cheek. "I know you can do this y/n." Nodding eagerly I wiped away the fallen tear, "ok Mr Kang, I'll do it."
His smile grew, "amazing."

1 week later

Holding onto the buttons of my coat I made my way up to the stairway of Kim Cooperations. Exhaling softly I held onto the door handle and opened it up.

Smelling a clean environment I walked toward the huge desk that was placed in the centre of the room.
As two colleagues spoke amongst one another I approached them with a smile, "Good morning madam, how can I help you today?" A young female greeted, "I'll see you later honey" the male spoke to his partner before walking off.

"Yes I'm here to meet with Mr Kim."

Typing away at the computer she scrolled through the diary. "Y/n is it?" I nodded, "that's me."
"Wonderful, if I could just give you one of these" she spoke whilst handing me a land-yard, "In the meantime I'll just call his secretary to take you up to his office."

Standing aside I watched briefly as she called for his secretary on the phone. "Yes I have y/n here to see to Mr Kim...ok...yes will do." Placing the phone down she turned to me, "His secretary is a little busy at the moment but he said your more then welcome to head up yourself. If you head to those elevators and press the number 40 that will take you up to his office."

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