chapter 7

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Sylvester Magnus parked his car in front of girls hostel.  He has called Jane several times but she refused to answer his call.  She got tired and was thinking of what to do next.  While in the vehicle he noticed that the girls were coming out one after the other.  Before you know what was going on the hostel gate was filled with the girls.  Some admiring him while others were Just waiting to see whom the almighty Sylvester Magnus, the richest guy and Mr no nonsense has come to see in the hostel.  He couldn't believe that he was hanging outside girls hostel so stranded.  He picked his phone and dailed Jane's number for the 7th time.  He was surprised when he heard Jane's sweet voice at the other end.

"Hello, how - - -

"I am so stranded here by your gate with all the ladies surrounding me.  If you don't come out right now to save me, I might get drown by their looks.  And I will not hesitate to be in your room if - - - -

"I don't understand, what are you doing here?  Go home because I am not coming out there to meet you."  She said seriously.

"Okay, don't worry I will find my way."  He came out and walked towards the gate.  He asked one of the girls to lead him to Jane's room and she gladly obliged.  They got to the door and he asked the girl to knock and she obeyed.

"Who's there?"  Jane asked praying that it must not be Syl.

"Gold, please can I - - - -

She didn't allow her to finish what she was saying before she threw the door open.  She tried closing the door when she saw Syl but he quickly held the door.  Turning to Gold, he thanked her for helping him to get Jane that day.  Gold smiled and left while Syl went inside and lock the door behind him. 

"Why are you here?"  Jane asked calmly.

"I've come to see you concerning what happen this evening.  Jane please, tell me what I've done wrong and I will apologize."  Syl pleaded.

"The way you kissed me.  Exploring my mouth with you tongue."  Jane said shyly.

"I was trying to give you the best kiss."  Syl defended.

"I know I have never been kissed before and I have never been with any man but - - - She couldn't complete her statements.

"Never been kissed before and you've never been with any man, Are you saying you're a virgin?"  Syl asked surprised and Jane nodded in affirmative.

"I'm sorry.  I didn't know.  I promise I'm gonna be more gentle next time.  I will - - -

"There will never be a next time." Jane said.

"I love you so much Jane.  I can't do without you."  He confessed again.

"Love, love is not in my interest now.  I am from a very poor home and that is why I'm working my ass out, working so hard to make earnings  to take care of myself. I have responsibilities.  I wanna build a house for my mum, set her in a business,set my only brother in a business too before thinking of having my own life to live."  Jane concluded.

"You don't have to do all that alone .  You have me now so we will do it together."  Syl assured her.

"No, I don't need your help or anyone else."  He stared deep into her eyes wandering what kind of girl Jane was.  She was so different from every girl he has met.  Other girls would jump up at his mere promise but Jane rejected him flatly.  She knew he was very rich yet she didn't need his help for anything.  He decided that it was not the right time to discuss that matter.  He has to change the topic before he would offend her again with words.

"I got you dinner."  He said giving her the bag in his hand.  She accepted it and thank him.  She also asked him to eat with her.

"That won't be enough for two but if you don't mind, I can bring my own food and eat here.  She accepted and Syl dashed out to bring his own food.  She brought out two disposable plates, serve Syl's food and then her's.  While they were eating Syl used the corner of his eyes to watch her.  "She's too gentle he thought.  And every man's dream woman.  But is she really a virgin as she claimed.  How I love to hold her in my arms."  He smiled on that thought cut a piece of chicken to feed her.  She watched him take the food closer to her mouth without a word, he was smiling and only the smile sent a signal to her body.  "He's so romantic, no wonder girls die to have him."  She smiled on her own thoughts. She couldn't say no to him since he was not ready to stop.  She opened her mouth and took it from him.  He scoop a spoonful of his rice and fed her with it.  He continued to feed her until he finished his food.

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