Chapter 3

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"Hi, can I join you?" Syl asked.

"Yeah, this is not my father's property. It belong to the students so you can sit anywhere." Jane smirked.

"Thanks. I'm Sylvester Mag - - -

"Sylvester Magnus. Who does not know you in this school." She asked.

"Well, I thought you do not know who I am and eh - - - -

"Syl, if you're here to read, please sit down and take your book. If not leave or I will leave." Jane said seriously.

"No no no, I'm actually here to read. I just think we should get to know each other. But, there's no problem. Let's go ahead and do what we've came here for." Syl said.

With this, Jane turn to her book while Sylvester took a text book from his bag and started reading.
The room was so quiet as they both concentrated on their reading.

Sylvester Magnus, the only son of a billionaire was one of the notorious guy in school.  Though very brilliant.  He was a Playboy and humanizer, he changes women as women changes wrapper.  "What does he want?"  Jane asked herself silently.  She raised her face and saw him with so much concentration.  That's one good thing about Sylvester Magnus, he doesn't play with his studies unlike the other nutorious guys in school.  Since their first year in school as medical students, Magnus has always been at the top of the class.  His notorious living has never come between his academic career.  "Jane you're here to study not to measure the lifestyle of Magnus."  Jane heard her inner mind speaking.  She totally agreed with herself and turned to face what she had come there for.  The room was so silent, they can hardly hear the beating of their own hearts.  The only noise that creeped in once in awhile was from the flipping of the books when they want to go to the next page. 

It was 6:30pm when Jane finally raised her face from the book to check the time.  She couldn't believe how long she has spent there.  She had wanted to leave the library by six but she ended up adding another thirty minutes to the time.  And that was because of the guy sitting beside her.  She got up to gather the books from the library so she could return them but Syl quickly helped her with it.  She allowed him after all the books were used by both of them.  She arranged her exercise books in her bag and helped Syl to arrange his books too.

"Thank you."  He said as he picked his bag.  They came outside and he offered to give her a ride to the hostel.  Jane accepted the offer.  She was so tired to walk to the school gate and besides it was getting dark she didn't want to be harass by those bad boys in school.  He opened the passenger's side for her.  She entered and he quickly went to the driver's side took his seat and started driving towards the school gate.

"Will you be here tomorrow?"  He asked

"Yeah, but that should be after church service."  She answered politely.

"Same here.  Where do you worship?"  He asked her again and she told him.

"That's my church.  How come I never see you there?"  He asked.

"How do you expect to find anyone in that church where they have thousands of congregations?"  Jane replied with another question.  As they were driving towards her hostel, he suddenly brought the vehicle to a halt. 

"What happen?"  Jane asked.

"I am starving, I think we should go in there and have our dinner."  Sylvester suggested.

"That's a good idea but honestly Syl I am so tired.  I can't stand up from here.  I'm sure you understand?"

"Yeah, I do but can I get the food and I will eat it later when I get home?"  Syl asked.

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