chapter 17

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Jane has never been this happy before. She was with her real family now. Her own biological father. She smiled happily to herself as she left her room to Ebibaye's room.   That was the name of that young woman Chie brought from the bush. As she was going, she met her father half-way to her room. He smiled cheerfully to her and she responded with a cheerful smile.

"How was your night?" Her dad asked.

"I slept well, dad. And you?" She asked with all smiles.

"Knowing I have my biological child right here in this mansion I did sleep well as would a baby." He said happily.

"I was coming to see you, but it seems you want to go see Ebibaye."

"Actually, yes.  But you ........."

"We can go there together. I will talk to you in her room." Ebibaye was standing in her room stark naked water dripping from her hair down her body. When she heard the knock on the door, she said something which non of them understood. They both exchanged glances showing "what did she say?"

"Maybe she wants us inside." Jane suggested. Chief waved his hand for her to go inside first. Having met her naked in many occasions especially in the morning was afraid to go in with her daughter. He didn't want to be embarrassed that morning.

Jane was shocked when she got inside her room. She was as naked as Adam in the garden of Eden standing hand akimbo. She smiled at her and beckoned on her to come in.

*What are you doing, Ebi? Come on, cover yourself with this.". She wrapped a towel around her waist and used the smaller towel to dry the water on her long her. She helped her choose her wears for that day. But while she was looking for something she would wear she found out that all her clothes is worn out. Though she managed to bring something out for her.  By the time she  finished with her, Chief has left.

Breakfast was already set when they got to the dinning room so they both joined him there.  

Ever since Jane got to that mansion she has taken it upon herself to teach Ebi certain things including how to eat. So, while they were eating she watched Ebi with the corner of her eyes. "Wao, she has really learnt a lot." Her eating habit has really changed. She no longer eat like a wild animal.. Chief commented on that.  It was then Jane told Chief that Ebi needed to change her wardrobe and chief accepted immediately. After breakfast, Jane took Ebi for shopping. She got her so many wears and shoes and made her wear one of those new clothes before taking her to salon for her hair, manicure and pedicure. And since she has already taught her how to walk with high heels it was so easy for her to walk with it. The salon she took her to was one of the best in town. She only told them what to do. By the time they finished working on her, she was as beautiful as miss world.

Chief Benard could not recognize Ebibaye when they got home.

"Where's the woman you went out with? She doesn't know her way ...........

He was mouth agape when they got closer. Ebibaye was looking so beautiful. She looked like all those model she saw on TV.

"What did you do to her?"

"You like her now?"

"Yes, I love her now." He said in an excitement like a school boy counting his words.

"You can go ahead and take her as your wife. I told you i would change her to your taste. Now my work is done. I will be going back tomorrow." Jane finalized.

"No,  my child. Please, move in here with us."

"No,  dad, I can't. But I promise to come see you every weekend until you make her  your wife."

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