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"Strawberry flavoured?" Kyuhyun ask, a little more excited.
"Of course, Kyu. One strawberry flavoured bottle for you," Heechul answers, patting the younger's head, making the younger beams up, finally. He exchange glance with Leeteuk and smiles proudly as their plan works out perfect.

Their journey home is expected to take half an hour more so the 4 of them decided to take a nap. After about 20 minutes, Kyuhyun wakes up.
"Oh? You're awake, Kyu?" Yongsun ask.
"Hmm...hyung, I'm hungry," Kyuhyun complains.
"Oh! Right, you guys haven't eaten yet. Teuk, Teuk wake up,"
"Huh? What happen what's wrong?"
"Kyu is awake and he said he's hungry. Should we stop by somewhere? We have about 20 more minutes. The traffic is a little jammed earlier,"
"Oh! Gosh, I forgot about that. They must be starving," Leeteuk says, surprised and apologetic as he looks back to the maknae.
"Hey, it's not your fault. You worked hard, too. It's possible you forgot. So, where are we going now?"
"Hmm...if I'm not mistaken, there is a small teokbokki stall right before the exit to the city. Let's stop by there first, Kyu?"
"But I don't want teokbokki~" the maknae starts to whine, making the older glance to the back seat.

"Uh oh, he's regressing," the leader mutters.
"Well then, what do you want to eat, Kyu?" he tries to get the younger to talk.
"I want my bottle~" the younger responds, eyes welling up with tears.
"Oh my, Kyu, you need to eat some real food before you get your bottle remember? And besides, we are 20 minutes more away from home. I can't let you starve," the older tries to persuade the maknae.
"But you promised!" and that's it. The other 2 members who are sleeping peacefully earlier are awake due to the maknae's tantrum.
"What happen?!" Heechul asked, surprised.
" we go again. Kyu, please. I will give you your bottle as soon as we arrive home but we need to fill your tummy with something else first, okay?"
"Noooo! I want my bottle!"
"Hey hey, Kyu, we have rules remember. You can't get your bottle unless you eat something else first," Heechul tries to help. Unfortunately, it just makes the younger wails even more.
"Yes, Wookie?"
"When can I get my cuddles?"
"Oh, Wookie. We still need to have a meal before going home. I promise you'll get your cuddles as soon as we are home okay? Can you wait 'till then?"
"I guess so?" Ryeowook answers, uncertain.
"Good boy," Leeteuk praises.
"We're here," Yongsun announces and they are right in front of the stall.
"Kyu, let's eat here first okay? It's teokbokki, you love teokbokki, right?"
"Erghh...this is so frustrating. Chul, will you take Wookie out and order anything first?"
"Sure. Let's go, Wookie,"

"Now, Kyu. If you are to continue behaving like this, I won't even give you your bottle later and you'll be punished. You want that?"
"No..." the younger answers, timidly.
"I'm sure you don't. Now, could you PLEASE behave and eat so later I can give you your reward?" the maknae just nods.
"I'm sure one of our rules is to talk and use your words," Leeteuk reminds him sternly, making the younger whimpers in his seat.
"Yes, hyung," he finally mutters it out. Although it's just a quiet mumble, Leeteuk is satisfied as long as he heard it.
"Good boy. Now, come here let's wipe your face a little," the younger leans forward for the leader to wipe away his tear stains.
"All done. Now, let's go fill that little tummy of yours," Leeteuk says as he rubs the younger's stomach, making the other giggles. They went out of the car and walk towards the 3 other men.
"Have you ordered?"
"Yeah, 1 serving of level 1 spicy teokbokki and 1 serving of fishcakes. It doesn't seem that we will eat much afterall,"
"Yeah, good then. So, how old are they?"
"6 maybe 5? It won't be a problem tho as long as they behave. How did you make it?"
"Remind him of the rules again,"
"Always works, huh?"
"Always," and soon the food arrive. As predicted, they barely finish the teokbokki and fishcakes.
"Wow, I'm full now,"
"You guys can go first, I'll pay," Leeteuk says. Heechul and their manager brings the 2 little maknaes to the car and waits for the leader.

Soon, they hit the road again, peacefully and in 15 minutes, they finally arrive at the apartment building.
"Okay, now. I know you guys are excited for cuddles and bottle but first of all, you need to change your clothes, okay? And by the time you finish that, I promise you a warm bottle and lots of cuddles, okay?"
"Okay!" the 2 maknaes excitedly say in sync and instantly runs out as soon as the elevator opens up.
"Guys, slow down! Hahahah, excited are we?" As soon as the front door is open, the 2 storms in the dorm and immediately heads towards their room, leaving the other members in the living room surprised.

"Whoa! Slow down, guys"
"What's that?"
"What happened?"

Little Maknaes KyuWookWhere stories live. Discover now