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In the car...

"We need to talk it out when he's out of little space," Heechul suggests, looking at the sleeping little beside him.

"Sure, we can't let him be little for us to know what's happening,"

"Now I'm afraid to pick him up in case I hurt him,"

"We just need to be careful, remember? Hold him a little below from his under arm,"

Both of them arrived at the dorm with Heechul carrying the sleeping Wookie extra carefully. As soon as the door is open,

"Daddy!" Kyu called out excitedly.

"Shhh... Wookie is sleeping, sweetheart," Leeteuk told the little apologetically which made the boy pout. Leeteuk take the little in his arms.

"Wookie is sick, Kyu. Can you wait a little more? He'll be fine and be able to play with you in no time, I promise,"

"Promise?" Kyu shows his pinky finger to his daddy.

"Promise," Leeteuk take the little's finger, smiling warmly. Little Kyu then hugs his daddy while Leeteuk rubs his back. In the meantime, Heechul brought Wookie to the Little Room and explained everything to the others. 

"So....we just need to be careful when picking him up?" Eunhyuk ask for confirmation.
"Yeah, and maybe while playing also," Heechul said.

They all gather in the living room.
"Hyung, Hae and I will go to Yesung hyung at 4. We plan to have dinner with him,"
"Sure, want me to prepare anything?"
"Hmm... if you are willing to. You know he won't eat fast food,"
"I'll prepare it later with our lunch. Oh! Talking about lunch," Leeteuk bolted up from the sofa and went straight to the kitchen.
"I forgot Ryeonggu is Wookie today. And you guys didn't bother to remind me,"

"Sorry, we are too occupied with Wookie and Kyu," Siwon states which made the little mentioned looked up from his toys in the corner of the living room and all of them chuckled before the little resumes his activity.

30 minutes later...

"Lunch is ready! Can someone go check on Wookie? If he's still asleep, let him be. If not, bring him out. He hadn't eaten anything yet since breakfast,"

"I'll go," Shindong volunteered. He went to the Little Room and quietly get to Wookie's crib only for the little to giggle at him.

"Hey, baby. You're awake, huh? Come on, let's go out. Daddy Teukie had cook delicious food for you," Shindong say as he carefully carry the little and bring him to the kitchen.

"Wookie!" Kyu exclaimed as soon as he saw the other enters the room which made all of them including Wookie to chuckle.

"He's looking better now. Right, baby? Wookie~" Donghae say as he take Wookie from Shindong and tickles his little feets.

"Be careful, Hae," Heechul reminds as he takes a spoonful of rice.
"I will. Now, our Wookie must be hungry, right?" Donghae ask, making the little take a look at the dishes on the table.
"Buuuuut, you can only eat this," Heechul brings a small spoonful of warm rice porridge to the little's mouth and he immediately take it.
"Aigoo, look at our baby eating so well," Eunhyuk says, tickling the little's stomach slightly, making him giggle.

After a few spoon of porridge, Wookie wriggles in Donghae's arms and making grabby hands to Leeteuk who is sitting across them.
"Come here baby," Leeteuk stands up to take the little. The boy immediately snuggle to the leader's broad chest.
"Baby, you still have some porridge left. Wanna finish it?" Heechul ask from beside them only to be answered with a whine from the little.
"Well, I'll take that as a No,"
"He must be feeling stuffy," Leeteuk say as he stands up and walk down to the balcony.
"Hyung, cover him with the blanket on the sofa," Siwon reminds the older.

A few minutes passed by and Wookie seems to feel better. Babbling, giggling and pointing to random objects that caught his eyes. Leeteuk just smiles widely seeing his baby getting better. Suddenly he remembered that they need to talk about the little's shoulder.
"Wookie?" the older called softly, making the little to face him.
"We need to talk a little. Can you be a big boy for a while?"
Seeing the boy's confused expression, the older explained.
"It's about your shoulder," he said, pointing at the little's braced right shoulder. The boy looked at his shoulder and nod slowly. Leeteuk smile at the little.
"Whenever you are ready,"
Wookie snuggles onto the leader's chest one more time and pulls away after a few minutes, indicating he is ready to be big. The leader understands and put the boy down.
"Let's go," Leeteuk initiates and both of them enter the house.

"Guys, he's ready for the talk," Leeteuk informs the others who are currently all in the living room.
"Alright. Kyu, can you be big boy now?"
"I AM big now. Qìé(chinese for penguin)* is just so comfy I dont wanna leave it," Kyuhyun say, smiling slyly.
"Oh...okay. lol. Alright we are ready,"
Soon, all of them focusing on their Eternal Maknae.
"So...why did you hide it?" Heechul ask, straight to the point.
"I'm sorry," Ryeowook answer with a small voice, staring at his feet.
"You don't have to be sorry. It's not your fault your shoulder hurts. We just want to know why you didn't tell us sooner," Yesung says.
"I don't want to bother you guys. It's already hard for all of us and I don't want to add the burden," the younger answers timidly, making all the other members sigh.
"You know you have to tell us everything especially things like this. It could be worst," Leeteuk reminds the younger.
"I know, I'm sorry,"
"Huhh...it's okay. But for now, you have to wear the shoulder brace at all time except for when you are showering ONLY. Understand?"

The younger just nods slowly, still staring at the floor. Siwon gets up and kneels in front of the younger.
"Hey, look at me. You don't have to be sorry. We know you just want to be considerate. We have cleared everything out, and now we have nothing to worry about. Yongsun hyung have talked to the management and you will get the whole week off. So don't worry and focus on your recovery, okay?"
The maknae just nods and Siwon ruffles his hair.
"Good boy,"
"Alright, now that everything is done, who wants some strawberry milk~~," Shindong calls out from the kitchen with two bottles of warm strawberry flavoured milk. Both of Super Junior's maknae instantly beams up and made grabby hands to the older. Shindong passes the bottle to Siwon for Wookie and Hyukjae for Kyu. Both of them greedily sucking the pink drink while their daddies are busy adoring both of them.
"Alright now, let's watch some movies. Wookie, what do you want to watch, baby?"
"Fothen?" the little answers, with a little slurs around the bottle's nip.
"You mean Frozen, baby?" Yesung ask and the little giggles.
"Yeokshi, my dongsaeng. We will never get tired of Frozen are we?" Heechul say as he take the little and settles on his lap, making the little giggles and claps his small hands.

Little Maknaes KyuWookWhere stories live. Discover now