Dormies (EH+KH)

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"And this is the last box,"
"Huh? I thought your penguins are more than these,"
"They are, I already brought them when I went to take the house key last week,"
"Oh, okay. Huh...this is really the last time we are sleeping here, huh?" Eunhyuk lets out as the two stand in the hallway, looking towards the huge living room, now only consisting of two layers of bedding for them to spend the last night together in the dorm.
"Who knew we would finally let go of this place," Eunhyuk starts.
"Right," Kyuhyun answers with a scoff.
"I was so proud to be holding on to it this long though,"
"You did a great job holding on,"

The two of them spend another few minutes just standing there, trying to remember every details of the room for one last time before Eunhyuk's stomach starts to growl.
"You haven't eaten yet?"
"Yeah, me too. Let's order something,"
They ended up ordering one set of spicy boneless fried chicken, two bowls of jajangmyeon, one set of tangsuyuk and, after some serious "discussion", two bottles of soju to celebrate their farewell to the dorm.
They had a good dinner, watched some movies and talked a bit. It is half past midnight when they both are slightly tipsy from the additional alcohol that Kyuhyun took out from one of his boxes.
"'m sad," the younger slurs, making Hyukjae unsure of whether he's regressing or just tipsy.
"Suddenly? Why?"
"Gonna live alone now. Gonna be so lonely,"
"But you are going to have your own space. Isn't that nice?"

The younger pouts.
"What if Kyu and Wookie come?" Kyuhyun sounding more regressed rather than drunk, his big eyes filled with worry looking up to the hyung sitting across him.
"What about it?"
"Where we staying?"
"...anywhere? We can stay at your place, Wookie's place, or any of ours. It doesn't matter. Not like our houses are very far from each other anyway,"
"Everyone time for Kyu and Wookie,"
"Hey, we'll always have time for you both. Sure we are getting busy individually but it's just a matter of time that we get together again, right?"
When the younger didn't respond, Hyukjae adds.
"Don't worry. Nothing is ever gonna change between us. You and I both left the company but not this family. We are all gonna be for each other no matter what. Remember that,"

Kyuhyun only nods before the older walks up to his side and envelop him in a calming embrace.
"I think we should go to sleep now. Tomorrow I'll help you settle the things down before going to work, okay?"
"Uhum," the only answer Hyukjae gets as he sensed the younger slowly falling asleep in his arms.
"We have to clean up first,"
"Hate you," The maknae groans.
"Love you too. So much,"


for @AryzDrakeAgustin

I'm so so so so sorry for the late update AND the short chapter. I really have no idea what to write. Maybe because I'm just too sad to think of their last day at the dorm😞 but I hope you like it.
Still working on the knife incident, please bare with me🙇‍♀️

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