Tired (DH+RW)

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"Kyu, come here!" Donghae calls out as he settles on the couch, only to be greeted with silence.
"Baby? Come on out, what are you doing alone in the room?" 

Soon enough, small steps echos through the hallway, revealing one of the littles, the only person other than Donghae who is in the dorm at the moment, and it's not Kyu.
"Baby, what were you doing? Come here,"
"Wookie," the little points to himself, head cocking to the side, eyes like an innocent little puppy staring right into the older's.
"Hm? Yeah, you are Wookie. Why?" the older chuckles at the bunch of cuteness in his lap.
"Dada call Kyu, not Wookie," a little pout forms on his cute lips.
"Hm? What do you mean?" Donghae is beyond confused.
"Dada call Kyu. Kyu, come 'ere!" Wookie manages to quote the older's speech. 
"I-...did I?"
"Ung. Wookie no come out,"
"That is why you don't come out when Dada called for you? Oh, Dada is so sorry. Guess Dada is too tired, he got Wookie and Kyu all mixed up,"

"Dada tiwed? Dada sweep! Wookie pway alone,"
"Oh? No baby, dada is tired but he can't let Wookie play by himself,"
"Why?" the little cocks his head to the side
"Because...um...huh? Wait, what is wrong with me?"
"Dada tiwed, sweep!" the little insists as he pushed the older's chest, trying to make him lay on the couch. His efforts are in vain as the older barely budge from his position.
"It's okay, baby. Dada can manage. Let's play together," Donghae lets out a chuckle.

They spend half an hour running around the house as Wookie tries to escape "Monster Dada" until Donghae is beyond exhausted and take a seat on the couch.
"Wookie, baby. Dada is gonna sit here for a bit, okay?"
"Hm? Dada run. Pway monstew,"
"Just a minute, baby. Dada need to take a breath,"
"Wookie take watew fow Dada," the little todles to the kitchen ignoring his Dada's call.
"Wookie, Dada's fine. You can't even hold the water bottle, it's too heavy for you," a second is all it takes for the cold water bottle to slip through the little's fingers and drop dead on the floor, spilling it's contents all over.
"Wookie! What did Dada say?" Donghae jumps off the couch and take the bottle before closing its lid and set it on the table.
"Now the water is all over the floor. What if you run here and fall? You could hurt yourself," Donghae tries to control his anger but still sounding stern, maybe a little too much because soon the little in front of him is crying.
"Wookie h-hewp d-dada,"
Donghae sigh before taking the boy in his arms and take him to the living room.
"Baby, Dada knows you just want to help. But you do know you can't pour water from the big bottle, right? You've done it before and failed. Now you are just making more work for Dada,"
"W-wookie sorry,"
"It's okay, baby. But Dada needs you to stay here and play with your toys while Dada clean that up, okay?"

"Pway giwaffe?" 
"Yeah, you can play with your giraffes,"
The little was immediately distracted with his animal toys, taking each out of his toy box laid at the end of the living room. 5 minutes later, Donghae sits with the little on the floor. Wookie talks to each of his animal friends before handing them out to his Dada. It was only at the 3rd toy that Donghae lose focus and zoned out, leaving a pile of animal soft toys on the floor in front of him.
"Dada! DADA!!"
"Huh? What?!"
"Dada no listen," Wookie pouts and a frown forms deep on the little's forehead.
"Dada go sweep. Dada wake up and pway with Wookie," the little attempts to once again push the older by his chest to lay him down on the playmat, this time successfully. 
"Alright, alright Dada is gonna take a quick nap and then we will play together, okay? Wake me up if you need anything," the little nods with a sweet smile and Donghae instantly drift off to dreamland. 

By the time he wakes up, the living room is illuminated by only a soft beam of light from the kitchen. He could hear distant chatters indicating the other members are already home, which means it is most probably past dinnertime. It took him a while to realise that a source of heat beside him is the little he promised to play with earlier that day, bundled up in a pile of warm comforter and soon realising that he, too, is in the exact same position. He scoots closer to the boy an engulf him in a cuddle before going back to sleep, making up for all the night time he sacrificed for his drama filming and promising to himself that he will play with Wookie all day tomorrow.

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