Kitten (YS+KH)

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Yesung and Kyuhyun are having their day off today and already spent their whole morning at the dorm.
"Hey, wanna hang out at the cafe?" Yesung suggests.
"Doesn't matter. They are just 5 minutes away from each other anyways,"
"Okay, sure. My legs are already itching to move. Let's walk there!"
"Ahahaha alright. Get your jumper. It's going to get colder in the evening,"

20 minutes later, they arrive at Yesung's family cafe, Armóire. Yesung is holding the door open when he turns around and sees Kyuhyun crouching down on the sidewalk just 5 steps away from the door. He walks up to the younger to see what he is focused on.
"Hello kitty, what are you doing here? Aren't you cold?" Kyuhyun talks to the small kitten, shivering in the cold.
"Hey,'s a kitten. Oh my gosh why is it so small?"
"Right...can we bring it inside? It is too cold here. Look, it's shivering," Kyuhyun looks up at the older with puppy eyes.
"Yeah, sure. Bring it in,"
Kyuhyun picks the kitten up carefully and wraps it in his jumper.
"Let's warm you up, shall we?"

"I'll have hot mocha. What do you want?"
"Um...I'll have hot caramel latte,"
"I'll go buy cat's milk. Go take a sit first,"
"Okay. Oh, don't forget the food, too,"
"I'll be downstairs,"

Kyuhyun walks down the stairs with the kitten still in his jumper when he met Jongjin.
"Kyuhyun? Why are you here?"
"Oh, Jongjin. I came with Yesung hyung. Since we both are free today,"
"Oh...where is he then?" the other is curious as he didn't see the older anywhere around them.
"He went to the store to get some stuff for the kitten,"
"Eh? What kitten?"
"Here, we found it just outside. It was shivering so I ask hyung if it's okay to bring it in," he shows the other the kitten, peeking its small head out of the comfortable, warm jumper.
"Oh poor thing. So small," the other coos, petting the kitten softly on the head.
"Yeah... It seems so lost and hungry so we decide to feed it first. Then we will think about what to do,"
"Okay then, have you ordered?"
"Yeah, we have,"
"Alright, I will bring it to you in a while okay? Go take a sit. I think there's a table beside the window there," he points to an empty table near the window.
"Alright. Thanks,"

Yesung is finally back after 10 minutes.
"Geez, I didn't know it's so hard to find cat's milk. And it's so expensive, too," the older complains as he put his findings on the table and take off his outerwear.
"Well, they are not supposed to drink PROCESSED cat milk anyways," Kyuhyun chuckles as he let the kitten down on the table to take a look at the milk.
"Hyung, it says here we need to mix it with warm water,"
"Here are your orders, the cake and cookies are on the house. Try it, it's our halloween special," Jongjin arrives with a tray of food and drinks before Yesung could respond to Kyuhyun.
"Hey, on your way back here, can you get us a glass of warm water and maybe a small plate," 
"For the kitten?" he turns to Kyuhyun and the later just nods.
"Maybe two plates, for her food, too,"
"On my way,"
"Oh, it's a her?"
"Uhum, let's get you warm while we wait for the water," Kyuhyun says as he take the small kitten. He places a soft kiss on its head before getting her back into his jumper. A small smile could be seen on Yesung's mouth as he watch the younger pats the kitten and play with its little paws.

Jongjin came back with a glass of warm water and 2 small plates. He wanted to stay with the two initially but there are suddenly groups of customers arriving so he need to lend a hand to the staffs. Yesung prepares the milk while Kyuhyun tries to carefully open the food packaging while the kitten is still in his jumper, trying to get out at the smell of the wet food. They let her take sips of the milk first. While she is eating, Kyuhyun scratch above her head and plays with her short tail.
"Hyung can we take it home?" the younger ask as he plays with the kitten after she is done eating.
"Hm...I don't know. We'll need to ask the others first. You know some of us have allergies. How about I take photos of you playing with her and send it the groupchat? Maybe they'll consider it,"
"Okay!" the younger agrees immediately and let Yesung snaps a few pictures of him playing with the kitten.

About 10 minutes after Yesung sent the pictures to the groupchat with a caption of "Someone found a new friend. Can we bring her home?", Leeteuk is the first one to respond.
"Hm...who's going to take care of her? We are all busy. Besides, some of us are allergic to cats. Me included," there's a pout on Kyuhyun's lips as he reads the reply.
"But what Cho Kyuhyun? You are one of the most busy among us. I'm not going to let you bring it home and ask other people to take care of it for you," 
Leeteuk is firm with his decision which in return make the maknae sad.
"Okay :(" the youngest replies. Immediately turning off his phone and putting it in his back pocket, no more in the mood to play with the kitten although it is basically nuzzling his arms on the table.

"Uh oh...someone is sulking. I'll try to talk to him," Yesung sends to the groupchat before keeping his phone on the table in which the sound attracts the kitten whom immediately turns around and nudges the older instead. 
"Kyuhyun-ah?" Kyuhyun look up to meet eyes with the older, a pout clear on his lips and his eyes getting watery.
"Hey...don't cry. How about this, I'll ask Jongjin to let her stay here. We'll get her a warm cat house, all her needs and you can come whenever you want to play with her. How's that sound?" 
"...Really?" the maknae ask with a small voice, still pouting.
"Of course, would you like that?"
"Uhum," a small smile forms on the younger's face. 
"That's my boy. Here, play with her for a while, I'll go talk to Jongjin,"
"Thank you, da-hyung," Yesung knows the younger is almost regressing but neither of them expected that.
"...Are you okay with us being here any longer?"
"I can handle a few more minutes,"
"Alright...give me a call  if you want to go home okay? I'll be quick,"

They are lucky there are not much customers in the basement. Or else, they would practically be dead by Kyuhyun's tounge slip. They both decide to forget it and continue with their respective activities and stayed at the cafe for another 2 hours. The kitten gets tired and fell asleep in Kyuhyun's jumper. They put her in a box layed with a few kitchen towels - for the meantime while they look for her cat house and left her in the cafe where the staffs can easily see and take care of her.

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