Emergency (Part 2)

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The younger fell right back asleep as soon as the doctor left and Heechul decided to let him rest while he informed the other members and asked Leeteuk what should he feed the sick maknae.
"Can you make porridge?"
"Yeah, I did it before," 
"Yeah, right. Could you make some for him? I'll be back early but not before dinner time. I'll get something from the store later in case he doesn't want to eat but try to feed him first and get him to take the medicines,"
"Alright, sure,"
"How is he? Did he regress?"
"I don't think so...yet. He's asleep. Face is very pale but at least he stopped throwing up hours ago. I'll need to wake him up for some water. I'm worried sick, if I didn't realize it earlier this morning...,"
"Hey, relax. It's not your fault, that is just how he is. Well, we might have to talk him into it later when he's better but...don't worry, he's gonna be alright,"

"Okay...are you okay? You sound tired," Heechul asks after a while.
"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that Kyuhyun and Siwon seem to be catching the cold. They were sneezing nonstop in the car. I'm worried they'll fall sick, too,"
"Oh...damn. This is gonna be hard,"
"I know, we are all awfully tired and everyone is falling sick one after another," the leader let out a deep sigh.
"Anyways, let's focus on Ryeowook first.  I'll probably get some cold medicine, too while at the store later,"
"Alright. Don't worry too much, okay? I'll take care of him,"
"I know. Thank you, Heechul-a,"
"It's nothing, they are my responsibility as well. Don't be too burdened just do your job well, okay?"
"Alright. I'll get going now. Call me if anything,"
"Sure will. See you tonight, bye,"

They end the call and Heechul looks for the ingredients to make porridge. While the rice is cooking, Heechul decides it's best to wake the younger up now as he has been sleeping for 2 hours.
"Ryeonggu? Wake up. Have some water," Heechul helps the younger to sit and carefully brings the glass to his parched lips.  A whine left the younger when Heechul pulls himself away to put the glass back on the table.
"Hey...are you...little?" the younger didn't answer but his eyes well up with tears and his fingers are playing with the hem of his shirt is enough to notify Heechul of his headspace. 
"I'm preparing some porridge for you, do you feel like eating at all?" the younger shakes his head, sniffling a bit. Heechul takes the boy in his arms, caressing his head and back soothingly.
"Well, let's just take a few bites so you can take the medicines, okay?" the younger nods weakly.
"Alright, you can go back to sleep if want. I'll wake you up when the porridge is ready," Heechul make him take another sip of water before laying back on the couch while Heechul fix his blanket and caress his hair before going back to the kitchen.

Half an hour later, Heechul is done serving the porridge in a small bowl, neatly closing the pan containing the leftover porridge and the kitchen squeaky clean. He brings the bowl and a new glass of warm water to the living room and set it on the coffee table.
"Wookie? Wake up, baby. Let's eat," the younger gets up with a groan and Heechul hands him the glass of water. 
"Here, careful it's hot," Heechul blows on the porridge a few times to cool it down before pushing a spoonful towards the little. The younger takes only a small bite out of it. Another half spoonful bite and the younger turns away from the third spoon.
"Is it not good?"
"Huh? ...porridge good but...no more," the younger hesitates, afraid he'll hurt the older's feelings.
"Ah...it's okay. At least you had some. Let's eat the medicine, okay?"

4 hours later, Wookie is asleep, waken up every hour by Heechul to make sure he gets hydrated. The time is 6.30 pm, the members should be on their way home by now.
"We are home,"  Eunhyuk and Donghae arrives 5 minutes later with bags of takeouts for dinner. They asked the members in the chatroom earlier and since everyone are going to be too tired to cook, they decided to get takeouts.
"Is he okay?" Eunhyuk asks the older as they walk to the kitchen.
"Getting better. Luckily he's not having fever. Though he did regress,"
"Have you eaten, hyung?" 
"Some porridge,"
"He didn't eat it?"
"He barely ate 2 spoons, took his medicines and fell right back asleep,"
"Our baby must feeling awful," Donghae says, bending down to softly caress the younger's soft lock.
"The others should be home in just a few minutes, let's set the table first," 

"We are home!"
"How is he? Any fever?" Leeteuk ask as soon as he enters the living room and the sleeping younger comes into sight.
"No fever. He's getting better, I woke him up every hour for some water. He said his stomach is hurting less, too. Oh, and he regressed," 
"He's little now?" Heechul nods.
"Did he eat the porridge?"
"Barely 2 spoons," Heechul answers, catching everyone's attention.
"He barely ate today, then?"
"Yeah, I don't want to force him to have more. It might hurt his stomach even more," 
"He needs to take the medicines though," Leeteuk states before the sleeping little stirs awake at the voices.
"Hey baby, are feeling okay?" 
"Uhum," the maknae answers groggily, whimpering when he notices all the attention.
"It's okay. Let's have dinner. You don't have to eat everything if you don't want to, just enough so you can take you medicine, hm?"

They all went to have dinner and as expected, Ryeowook only take 3 spoonfuls of warm, white rice with pieces of fried chicken before excusing himself.
"Come on, I'll take you to bed," Leeteuk take him in one arm and a glass of warm water for his medicines in his other arm.
"Medicines are done, you can get to bed now, baby. Sleep well, come wake daddy up if you are in pain, okay? Don't keep it to yourself. You have no idea how worried daddy was the whole day," Leeteuk talks softly, caressing the little's hair.
"Wookie sowwy," 
"It's okay, baby. Just rest and get well soon, okay?" the little nods and immediately drift off to dreamland. Leeteuk places a kiss on the little's forehead before getting up to leave the room.
"Get well soon, angel," 

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