Chaos (2)

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"Come on, Wookie. We need to bath,"
"Are you for real? Come on, you are a mess. You need to bath,"

Heechul had enough of it for the morning so he just scoop the boy out of his high chair and basically run to the toilet.
"NUUUH! Pway Kyu!"
"You can play after. We need to bath. I'll make this quick, okay? Just sit still,"
However, the little decides to make bathing quite a challenge today. Wookie won't stop protesting and kicking which results in Heechul needing to hold him at all time to prevent the little from slipping.
"Wookie! Stay still. You'll hurt yourself," Heechul tries but to no avail.
He hold the boy close to his chest with one arm while the other lather the boy in soap. However, the soap acts as lubricant for the boy as he manage to slip off Heechul's arm and fall into the water filled tub.
"SHIT!" Heechul panicked as he immediately pull the little back up before he could swallow the water.
"DADA!!!" the little is terrified, trying to climb onto his daddy.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. Baby, look at me. Wookie, look at daddy please," Heechul is desperate to make the boy look at him.
"You're okay, it's okay. Daddy is sorry, okay? Let's just rinse off and get out of here,"

Wookie is still crying and clinging to Heechul's shirt, making getting dressed another challenge of the day.
"Here, have some warm milk," Heechul offers a bottle in his effort to calm the little and luckily it works. The little is now getting drowsy in the warmth of milk and Heechul's arms.
"Dada?" Kyu suddenly comes with box of newly bought Lego, prolly asking for help to open it.
"Baby, that's Daddy Yeye's Lego. You need to ask for his permission first," Heechul say, not bothering to look at the boy as he himself is feeling sleepy.
The older would have been asleep if not for a small whimper coming from the little in front of him. He put Wookie down on the sofa and attend to the other little calmly.
"Hey...let's wait until Daddy Yeye comes home and ask him to play together, okay? This is his toy, we cannot play without him," Heechul try to rationalise the little which to his relief works when the boy nods, put the box on the floor and come into Heechul's arms for a hug.
"Come here, my baby. Let's have some milk. Strawberry or vanilla?"
"Kyu?" Heechul calls him out when he hears a soft snore from the boy in his arms.
"Well, the milk can wait I guess," Heechul sets Kyu down next to Wookie as he goes to take a blanket and tuck them in.
"It's already noon. Hmm, a little nap won't hurt will it? I'll just make them scrambled egg for lunch," Heechul is just closing his eyes when all of a sudden, the doorbell rings resulting in the two littles to wake up crying, startled and frustrated that their nap is interrupted.

"Shit," Heechul swears as he jumps right up and goes to the intercom first to see that it is Changmin and open the door before attending the angry littles.
" this a bad timing?"
"It was, now it's a perfect timing. Put the bags on the countertop and hold Kyu. They were just falling asleep when you rang,"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Hi, Kyu~ It's okay, it's okay. Go back to sleep," Changmin picks the little up and rubs his back while rocking the little around the living room. Eventually both of the littles falls right back asleep. Heechul tells Changmin to follow him to the littles' room and settle them into their cribs. They goes out and leave a creak on the door.

"You're all alone today, hyung?"
"Yeah. Teuk just went out an hour ago but I'm already tired,"
"LOL. I can stay and help but I have a meeting at 3. When's the earliest the members are coming back?"
"I think around 5? Masi and Donghae are gonna pull an all-nighter. They are filming their new movies. Leeteuk and Donghee have SuTreamer live at 4 after their schedules. Hyukjae is at his home until tomorrow. Yesung is at his cafe, he should be home first. Which is around 5, he's doing the closing with Jongjin,"
"Hmm, would you be okay if I leave at 3?"
"Sure, not that I've never done this. It's just that they seem to be very small today so I think I'll really appreciate an extra pair of hands,"
"Alright then. So, what were you doing? It's still early and they are napping already? Isn't their nap time at around 1? It's just 12.15 when I arrived,"
"It was a tough morning I could say," Heechul tell everything to Changmin and the younger just laugh his heart out.
"Even being littles and daddies, you guys are truly born comedians. But on the serious note, is Wookie okay? He must have been shocked,"
"I made him an extra warm bottle and he immediately relax on my arms. That's why he fell asleep. Kyu wanted to open Yesung's new Lego set and I told him to wait until he comes home. He eventually complied and suddenly went for a hug. I wanted to give him a bottle to make up for it, asked him what flavour he want and suddenly he's already snoring,"
"He's probably still tired from all the schedules yesterday,"
"Maybe, he was the first to leave the dorm and the last one to come back,"

"So, what are we going to do now?"
"Cook for lunch?"
"Hyung cooks now?" Changmin ask, not believing his ears.
"Enough to survive. I always just make something with eggs for them and they seem to like it. Considering how they are still savage even being littles, they always finish what I cook so that's a win for me. Believe me or not, they once spit out Teuk's cooking,"
"Woahh really?! Ahhhahahaha,"
"Yeah but maybe it just doesn't suit their palate at that time 'cause the jajangmyeon Teuk made was amazing.  Come on. We can prepare the ingredients now so we won't take long to cook when they wake up,"

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