Year End

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"Kyu? Wake up, we need to get ready," Leeteuk wakes the sleeping little in his arms.
"Baby, we need to go to work. You promised it's just a 15-minute nap. The others are all getting dressed already,"
"Come on, we need to do our hair, and makeup, and get dressed. It's going to take a while,"

Two hours later...

"I would like to announce the arrival of the first idol to ever attend and be nominated as the grand award winner AS A WHOLE GROUP on any entertainment award show in our country. We give you the super idol, super entertainer, Super Junior!" the MCs announce as one by one SuJu members get off their cars, onto the red carpet. They stand in line before Leeteuk leads the way to the stage.

"So charismatic, so elegant. This is not the Super Junior we always see in variety shows, this is idol Super Junior," the male MC comments as Leeteuk take the first step onto the stage.
"Really. They look dashing, so bright and fresh. The energy of men in their 30's," the female MC jokes when the cameras start to flash nonstop.
"40's!" Kyuhyun being the evil maknae he is, shouted from the back of the line.
"Look at all those flashes, the power Super Junior holds for the media! Welcome everyone," the MCs greet them as they shake hands and hug the members one after the other.
"Long time no see,"
"Wow, it's quite strange to see Kim Heechul here tonight,"
"Tonight, I am here as an idol, Super Junior Heechul,"
"So, what can we expect from you guys tonight? What's gonna be the difference from the usual?"
"We are going to perform. Most of the celebrities attending tonight had never seen us performing live, I assume. We will include some of our less known songs, too. We are going to show the other side of us, the cool, elegant, idol side of us but with a tinge of variety show SuJu,"
"So make sure to keep your eyes on us,"
"Wow, that sounds interesting. I can't wait to see what they are going to bring to the table tonight. Alright, we will let you go in now and take your seats. We'll meet again later, thank you,"
"Thank you,"
"See you later,"

They enter the main hall and greet everyone as they make their way to their designated table, right at the center of the venue. They all sit according to their usual placement except for the maknae. He make his way beside Leeteuk which was supposed to be Eunhyuk's seat. All members are puzzled by the youngest's action.
"Kyu?" Heechul nudges the younger by his arm, only to receive a pout.
"Let him be. Hyukjae go and sit beside Ryeowook," Leeteuk suggests.

It had been an hour and a half since the event started and the MCs are now interviewing some of the attending celebrities.
"Now, the guest we all await for! Super Junior!" the male MC announces and the whole studio cheers.
"We've seen Heechul a few times here but I think it's the first for the other members?"
"Some of us had been here a few years back and even won some awards, actually,"
"Oh really? Why don't I remember?"
"Yeah, I won the Best Entertainer Award in 2012 when I was still serving in the military, Eunhyuk won the Best Teamwork Award in 2021 with the team of Mr. House Husband, Ryeowook won the Best Radio DJ Award in 2015 and Heechul won the Top Excellence Reality Award for two years in a row, right?"
"Wow, these guys are no joke. And tonight you are nominated for the Top Entertainer Award, don't you? As a group,"
"Yes, and we are highly honored by just the nomination as it would mean that we are the first idol and the first group to be nominated as the top entertainer,"
"But, of course, you guys are hoping, too right?"
"I mean. Who doesn't?" Leeteuk's response omitted a good laughter form the attendees. 
"Right? Well, we wish you good luck. Now, the golden question. I'm sure your fans are also eager for this question.  A few months ago three of you guys disclosed a piece of shocking news,"
"We were freed from the dungeon," Eunhyuk says, eliciting laughter from the members who don't even try to be subtle. Some other artists also laugh especially Key and Taeyeon as they understand what Eunhyuk is trying to hint. 
"Wow, must be refreshing, huh?"
"Okay, so this question is related to that matter,"
"Kyuhyun-ssi, as the one who already have your other side,"
"Super Junior or Antenna?"
"Wow! We are really doing this tonight?"
"We are. We need your answer or we cannot proceed with the awards,"
"That's how important this question is?"
"Yah, Kyuhyun-ah. Your boss is here,"
"Oh, shi- Right..." the maknae nearly curses at the realization, gaining another round of laughter.
"No but honestly, this is making me curious, too," Shindong confesses. 
"Right? Ahahahah!"
"Alright, no time to waste. Super Junior or Antenna? Antenna or Super Junior? 1, 2, 3!"

"Antenna," Kyuhyun answers calmly, multiple gasps could be heard and the members look at him, eyes as wide as possible.
"Wait, let me explain,"
"Ya! Are you not Super Junior?"
"Hear me out. It is not what you guys think it is. I will never choose anyone before SuJu. But, I know that even if I don't choose SuJu here, that stays here. We are always like that. Those questions means nothing to us because at ths point, there is nothing that can beat the thing WE have. As for this new side, we are definitely not yet in the same position as I am with Super Junior. So that's why I choose them,"
"Yah, what are we? Your shelter?" Heechul scolds.
"Well, I might as well call it that way. Heeyeol hyung once asked me in Sketchbook about what SuJu means to me and I joke not I said you guys are my safety net,"
"I don't know what should I feel about that, tho'" Eunhyuk jokes.
"That feels good actually. To know that I am a part of someone's safety net and especially when it is one of you guys," Leeteuk comments.
"Honestly, me too," Yesung adds.
"Yeah it kinda feels good actually," Donghae voice out his opinion.
"Wow, we didn't expect this to end so warmly. But this is so nice to watch, you guys are definitely more than just business, don't you?"
"I guess we are," Leeteuk answers, shrugging his shoulder and that ends the interview session. 

Two more hours and they are finally on their way home. 
"Kyuhyun-ah, did you really mean what you said?"
"The safety net part,"
"Oh, yeah of course I did mean it. You guys ARE my safety net. You know how I am usually quite shy to go crazy in front of cameras. But I can unleash myself whenever I am with you guys because I know you will support me and hold me up if ever I fall down,"
"It's good to know that you feel that way. That you feel safe with us,"

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