Sleep (DH+ KH)

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"Kyu, it's time for bed. Daddy got your bottle. Come here," Donghae calls the little who has been playing with his toys in the living room. It's already midnight and only the two are at Donghae's house. Other members are back in their homes and will join them tomorrow after work.
"Here you go. You must've been exhausted, huh? Filming for 12 hours today yet you still insist on playing,"

Kyu lays comfortably in the older's arms, bottle in his mouth, the warm milk flowing to his throat smoothly working its calming effect when the little relaxes. The maknae's boba eyes slowly fluttered, the sucking action of his mouth slowed down and eventually the little fell asleep after 5 minutes. There is still some milk in the bottle, and Donghae knows well enough not to pull the bottle away yet until the little is completely in dreamland. Minutes went by and Donghae somehow managed to turn the TV off without waking the little up with his movements. However, just when the older thinks it's safe to get up and bring Kyu to his crib, the little stirs awake immediately, whimpering that his sleep is interrupted.
Donghae had to sit back down and let the little suck on the bottle until he fell asleep again. While it doesn't take a long time for the little to do just that, Donghae decided to stay in his position just a bit longer to avoid from the little waking up again. The little sucks on his bottle occasionally but sucking on the empty bottle would get the little to be bloated so Donghae slowly pulls the bottle away to replace it with a pacifier. Unfortunately for the older, the little wakes up at the movement. Not crying, luckily, just a bit confused and now they need to spend another few minutes on the couch for the little to sleep AGAIN. Donghae don't know what's happening because the little was clearly tired and usually he would get straight into deep sleep but not tonight. More confusing is that he didn't cry or even whine which means nothing is wrong, he just can't get into deep slumber for God knows why.

The boy frowns, turning to look at the older. He wiggles to turn around and brings his arms around the older's neck before nuzzling to his chest. The little mumbles something but with it being muffled by Donghae's shirt, the older can't figure the words out.
"Baby, Daddy can't hear you," the older stares, not really sure if he's getting any answer. After a few seconds, the little pulls away lazily, eyes  watery.
"Dada Wonnie, Kkyu mith," the little claims, slurry from his sleepiness. It took Donghae 5 seconds to make sense of the little's words. Just when Kyu starts to whine at the lack of response, Donghae finally gets the message.
"Oh, you miss Dada Wonnie?" the little nods, tirely laying his head back on the strong chest.
"Do you want Daddy to call Dada Wonnie so Kyu can talk to him before going nighty?" the little nods again with a pout.
"Alright, then. But Daddy is not sure if Dada Wonnie is going to pick up or not. He must have been working,"

Donghae calls the other nonetheless. The phone rings for quite a while and just when Donghae is ready to face the little, the phone stops ringing and a tired face can be seen surrounded by darkness.
"Oh, Masi. Are you still filming?"
"Hm. We have a few more scenes to be done. Why are you calling at this hour?"
"Uh...I was just getting Kyu to sleep but he said he misses you,"
"Oh? Where is he?"
"Just here on my lap. Baby, it's Dada Wonnie. Say hi," Donghae turns the device so the little can see the screen.
"Yes, baby. It's Dada. Oh, you look so tired. Why are you not asleep yet?"
"Kyu misy Dada Wonnie. Kyu no sleep,"
"Oh, baby. Dada is so sorry he had no time for you lately. Dada promise after he finish filming Dada will bring you to spend time together. How's that?" the older feels guilty for spending less time with the littles nowadays that he had to film a new drama. Kyu nods slowly as tireness slowly envelops his body. 
"Baby, you can go to sleep with Daddy Hae tonight. And when you wake up tomorrow, Dada Wonnie will be with you, okay?" the little nods, his eyes already halfway closed.
"Alright then, I think he can go to sleep good now. Thanks for picking up. I'll get him to bed now, take care,"

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