Mistakes (SW+RW)

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"What is that!?" Siwon sprints out of the walk-in wardrobe as he heard the loud sound of what he assumed was glass breaking. As soon as he enters the kitchen, Ryeowook is standing completely frozen in the middle of the kitchen, looking down at the broken glass.
"Are you okay?" Siwon ask. The younger looks up slowly, eyes already full of tears threatening to fall and his bottom lips wobbling. The smaller man takes a small step forward before Siwon accidentally raises his voice in urgency.
Ryeowook jumps in surprise and streaks of tears start to fall to his cheeks.
"D-da-dada," the little sobs.
"Oh shit. I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you. But you need to stay there, Dada will come get you,"
The older carefully steps through the pieces of clear glass on the floor and he safely gets the weeping boy in his arms.
"Alright, let's get you out of here," they successfully get to the living room, completely unharmed.

Siwon keep hugging the little until he calms down enough to tell him what happened.
"Wookie wa- water...," the little lets out through his sobs.
"Wookie wanted to get some water?" Siwon repeats to confirm and the younger nods, wiping off his tears. Siwon sigh.
"You should've just ask Dada to take it for you,"
"Wookie th-thought big...b-but Wookie s-small," Siwon smiles softly at the statement.
Of course there are times when the maknaes would think that they are big, think big and can do adult stuff but in the end failed miserably because apparently they are not physically capable to do so. However, they have never tried to take a glass of water on their own so Siwon is intrigued to ask.
"Dada shower...," the little answers with a pout.
"Oh...did Dada shower took too long for you?"
The little nods.
"Dada is so sorry for that. And Dada is sorry for shouting earlier, Dada was just scared Wookie might hurt. But you really shouldn't do it again, okay? No matter what Dada is doing, ask for help if you want water or food, okay?"
The younger nods again.
"Alright, now you need to wait here while Dada clean the mess up, okay? And after that only can Dada give you some water. Can you wait here?"
"Good boy,"

10 minutes later, Siwon got rid of the glasses and is mopping the floor to make sure smaller shards are completely gone.
"Dada~" the little whines. He had spend the past minutes playing on the couch, turning to take a look at the older a few times as he patiently waits for his water. However, it's getting way too long and he is parched.
"Just a little bit, baby. Dada is almost done," the older answers but apparently the boy has had enough of waiting, he starts sobbing.
"What? Hey hey, fine here's your water. I'm sorry, dada is sorry for making you wait so long," Siwon immediately fills a cup of water and sit on the couch with the little on his lap. The drink disappear in an instant.
"You must have been so thirsty, huh? Dada is sorry. Do you want more?" The little look into his eyes and nods with a pout.
"Alright then, Dada will be right back," Siwon chuckles.

Right when Siwon is back with another cup of water, his phone rings from the bedroom.
"Here's your water. Drink carefully, Dada will be back," the little takes the cup in his small hands and just as the older leaves his sight, the cup somehow slips. The boy is now wet and cold.
"Dada!" the little cries out, making the older rush out to check on him.
"Oh now what?" the older ask, getting a little annoyed. The little sniffs silently, avoiding eye contact when he sense the older's emotion.
"Wookie sowwy," the little's apologise quietly, eyes wells up with tears, making the older sigh dejectedly.
"Hey, Dada is sorry. It's not your fault, okay?" Siwon tries to calm the boy down, knowing full well the little didn't mean to bring troubles.
"Wookie bad," the little mumbles as a streak of tear went down his fluffy cheek.
"No you are not. You are just too little to control yourself. Dada is bad for getting angry, okay? Come here, let's get you out of that clothes before you catch a cold," Siwon picks the little up to go to the Little World and change him into something dry and warm, knowing how easy it is for Wookie to catch a cold. The whole time Siwon is changing the little into a new set of clothes, the boy stays silent, eyes glued to the floor, fingers fidgeting playing with his nails.

Siwon dresses the boy before sighing.
"Baby, can you look at Dada?" The boy obeys, revealing his red rimmed eyes, his little mouth forming a pout. Siwon sighs again before pulling the little into a hug.
"You have nothing to be sorry for, baby. Everyone makes mistake, even Dada. And today, Dada's mistake was getting angry at you. Dada is so sorry,"
"But Wookie make mess...and bweak gwass,"
"And that's okay, because you are little. It's still okay even if you are big,"
"Yes, baby. There's nothing wrong in making mistakes as long as you learn from it and doesn't do it again,"
"Wookie no take water alone again,"
"Yes, baby. What should you do?"
"Wait for Dada,"
"That is correct. Good boy. Feeling better now?"
"Alright, what do you want to do now?"
"Um...Dada cook!" the little exclaims as his eyes lands on the underwater-themed clock on the wall. He might not know exactly what time it is but his half "big" mind tells him it is time for lunch.
"Oh, right. What do you want to eat, baby?"
"Um...don't know,"
"Well then...let's go see what we have," the older picks the boy up, making the little squeal at the sudden movement.

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