Cyber Bully

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It was just another peaceful day in the Super Junior dorm. Ryeowook is getting ready to go for his musical.

"Ryeowook, are you done?" Yongsun manager peeks through the younger's room door.
"Just...a...little...DONE! Hehe, I'm ready!^_^"
"Alright, let's go,"
"I'm leaving!" the eternal maknae announces from the front door of the dorm.
"Already? Here take the strawberry milk with you just in case you got hungry. That's my fav so make sure to cherish every drop of it," Eunhyuk says, earning a look of disbelief from their leader.
"Anyway, keep yourself warm, wear your mask always, well, except from when you are performing, use your hand sanitizer, keep hydrated, and tell Yongsun hyung immediately if you feel sick, okay?" Leeteuk let his maternal instinct kick in.
"Alright, hyung. I'm not a little kid anymore," Ryeowook says, giggling at the older's attics.
"Who knows? You might suddenly feel overwhelmed and slip into little space. No one is gonna be there so if that somehow happens, be sure to find Yongsun hyung IMMEDIATELY. Understood?" Heechul adds.
"Don't worry hyung it's my 5th time already. I'm pretty sure my body is used to it by now,"
"We will never know. Better be safe than sorry,"
"Okay okay, I'm going now. See you guys later, bye!"

In the car...

"Hyung, can I do youtube live?"
"Ehe, thank you^-^"

After the musical...

"Bye hyung! Bye noona! See you all later!"
"Bye, wookie! You were great, see you later!
Being called "Wookie" in his adult mind makes him a little confused. Ryeowook and his manager walk to the car easily as fans are not allowed to gather outside of the theater but Ryeowook seems dazed all the time.
"Ryeonggu? Are you here?" Yongsun manager asked as he snapped his fingers in front of the younger.
"Huh? Oh...yeah. I'm sorry, just a little tired I guess, hehe,"
"Are you sure? You look like regressing earlier. I saw it in your eyes,"
", it's just that...the noonas called me Wookie earlier and I felt something?"
"I don't know...," he chuckled.
"Anyway, if you feel like regressing, just tell me okay?"
"Yeah, okay," he answers as he makes himself comfortable in the car seat.

The ride home was just for 20 minutes so Ryeowook decided to open his YouTube channel and read the comments from his previous live. He smiles to himself when reading comments wishing him a good day and many more good wishes. It was all smiles when he stumbled upon a comment that was about three lines long. As he read through the words of hatred, he thought of what his next action should be. The person said that he/she had been a fan for 10 years and was disturbed by Ryeowook's current body.
Being one of Super Junior's maknae on top with his dangerous tongue, he pinned the comment and wrote a reply to it. However, he is still a human with a heart and feelings. Throughout the rest of the ride, he didn't say anything much and the manager just let him be thinking he was just tired.
"Ryeonggu, we're home,"
"Hmm? Oh, thank you for the ride,"

They went into the dorm to the members having dinner in the living room. Ryeowook went straight to his and Kyuhyun's shared room after greeting the members. 30 minutes is not Ryeowook's usual time to take a shower and get out to eat, he usually only takes about 15 minutes at most.
"Hey, where is Ryeowook?" Heechul ask.
"I don't know, it's been 30 minutes," Shindong responds.
"Should I check up on him?" Eunhyuk volunteers.
"I think you should,"

'Knock, knock'
He initiated but to no avail. Since their room is visible from the living room, everyone is now focusing on the wooden door.
"Try opening the door, I don't think he locked it,"
Eunhyuk turns the door knob slowly and the door opens. He peeks into the room and spots the younger in the middle of the bed, all curled up into a ball. He slowly walks up to him and softly places the back of his hand to the younger's forehead to see if he's having a fever.
"Good thing it's not a fever," Eunhyuk told himself as he gently sat on the bed, careful not to wake the younger up. As he pats Ryeowook's hair softly, Eunhyuk notices a wet patch on the pillow under the younger's head.
"Had he been crying?" he asked himself as the frown on his forehead deepened. Suddenly, Ryeowook snuggles deeper into the pillow and eventually opens his eyes a little.
"Oh, did I wake you up?" Eunhyuk ask.
Ryeowook squints as he tries to figure out who the man in front of him is and after a minute, he shakes his head no.
"Is everything okay?" Eunhyuk asks as he helps the younger to sit. Seeing his dongsaeng like that, eyes puffy and nose red from crying, he knows for sure something if not everything is not okay.

Ryeowook stares into the mattress before his eyes start to blur out yet again. Without him even noticing, a streak of tears went down his cheeks, taking the older man by surprise.
"Hey," Eunhyuk takes Ryeowook in his arms as the younger lets himself sob into the warm embrace of his hyung. After a few minutes, the sobs start to slow down and eventually, Ryeowook once again cry himself to sleep. Eunhyuk gently helps tuck the younger in and stays for a few more minutes.
"We need to talk about this," Eunhyuk told himself as he left the room.
"What happened?"
"I don't know for sure but something is wrong. We need to talk it out but for now, just let him rest,"

The next morning,
"Ryeonggu? It's 10 a.m. already. Wake up," Kyuhyun caressed the other's cheek as the other members would usually do to wake him up.
"Hm? It's my day off tho," Ryeowook mumbles sleepily.
"I know but we need to talk something out before everyone goes for their schedule,"
"Alright...give me 3 minutes to wash up,"
"We'll wait in the living room,"

As he entered the bathroom, he saw himself in the mirror.
"God, I look horrible," Ryeowook thought to himself. After he's done washing his face, suddenly he remembers Kyuhyun's words and everything that happened the night before comes flooding back in.
"No...erghh I hate myself," he sigh and quickly finished up.

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