Stressed out

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The SuJus had been in their practice room since early morning. They just had lunch and is now taking an hour break when Kyuhyun decides to be little. The members had no problem because they know the maknae would behave and won't wander outside of the room alone.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" the little excitedly making laps around Eunhyuk who's busy discussing their next concert stage arrangement. However, his daddy won't pay attention to him so Kyu decides to try and climb the table. It is a very bad decision when his hand reaches a paper that had been scattered on the table and fall down hard.
"CAN YOU SHUT UP?!" The older snap out making everyone in the room especially the little in front of him stunned and not make a sound.
"Daddy~" Kyu whimpers, looking around to look for comfort as the one in front of him clearly want him out of his sight.
"Hey hey, it's okay. Come here," Shindong pick up the little and bring him to the sofa where most members are hanging out.
"It's okay, does it hurt? You fell down hard, huh?"
"Hmm~" the little nods while Donghae wipes his tear stained cheeks.
"Daddy hyukie must have been a little stressed out. Let's not play around him for a while, okay?"
"You can play here. Here's your car,"  Heechul offers as Siwon takes the little away and sit him on his lap.
"Noo~" the little sulks, burying his face on Siwon's chest.
"Alright, then. Let's just sit here, okay?"
"Here have some water,"

30 minutes later...

"Guys, I think we have the finalised version of the stage arrangement," Eunhyuk starts and their finalising discussion went on for around two hours. They had the last practice for the stage formation and soon they wrap up for the day.
Throughout the whole session, the two maknaes had been very quiet but the members didn't bother much on Ryeowook as he might just be tired but Heechul, Yesung and Shindong had been watching out for Kyuhyun the whole time. The members are cleaning up when suddenly Kyuhyun back-hugged Leeteuk.
"Are you okay? Do you need anything?" the leader ask only for the maknae to shake his head for a "No".

On the other side of the room, Donghae, Siwon and Eunhyuk are packing up their bags.
"Hyukjae-ah," Siwon starts.
"I think you should apologise to him?"
"...who?" Eunhyuk ask, qenuinely confused.
"Dude, really?" Donghae can't believe his bestfriend.
"Who are you guys talking about?"
"Kyu! You scold him earlier!" Siwon gets mad.
"I-......shit," realisation hits him and he immediately look for the maknae who's currently cuddling with Leeteuk.

"Daddy will give you a bottle when we get home, okay?" Leeteuk promise the little in his arms while Wookie is now fast asleep in Heechul's arms.
The drowsy little turns to look at the older.
"Hi, baby. Are you sleepy?" Eunhyuk approach him and pat his head gently. The little just stares at him, eyes blinking slowly as he fights the sleepiness.
"Daddy just want to say sorry for what he did earlier. Daddy is kinda stressed out and accidentally lashed out on you,"
Kyu pulled away from Leeteuk to take a better look at the man talking to him. Without a word, the little raise his arms towards Eunhyuk and the later gladly pick the little up. Kyu bury his face on Eunhyuk's muscular chest and stays there for what felt like a couple of minutes before he pulled away and turns back to Leeteuk with a soft whine. Leeteuk rock the little until he fall asleep 5 minutes later. Soon, they begin their journey home with 2 sleeping littles.

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