Manners (SW+KH)

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Siwon woke up, shocked, to Kyu screaming right into his left ear. He took a few seconds to get his grip together and realise the boy's eyes are red and teary, just as if he had been crying.
"What? What happened what's wrong?"
"Kyu fingew...doow twapped..," the little manages through his new streak of tears, showing the older of his now red thumb.
"Oh...that must hurt. Isn't it?" Siwon took the little in his arms and pats his small back. Kyu nods and rests his head on Siwon's chest.

"Do you want a bottle, baby?" Siwon asks to which the little shake his head, no.
"Alright, you want cuddles?" The older tries again to which the little nods and suck his thumb.
"Okay, you'll get all the cuddles you need but we're gonna need to replace that," Siwon gets up from the couch, earning a whine from the little in his arm. He caresses the little's head and walks to the Little World for a pacifier.
"Daddy Teukie is not gonna like it if he knows you suck on your thumb again," Siwon tries to pull out the little's thumb but the younger responds with a louder whine and turns his head around.
"Okay little boy, we are not sucking thumbs," Siwon put the boy on the couch facing him. Kyu lets out a wail and starts flailing his limbs when the older force out his thumb.
"Hey, hey calm down. Baby, Kyu!" Siwon tries and at that moment, the boy accidentally kicked Siwon in the chest and that is all it takes for the older to be in discipline mode.
"Okay boy. I know you are feeling icky but that does not mean you can kick your daddy. Come here. You are going into time out,"
"No! Daddy!" the boy struggles in the older's strong ams as he's being transported to the corner of the room.
"You are going to sit here for 5 minutes. Daddy want you to think about what you did and why daddy put you in time out,"

5 minutes passed by and the little is a crying mess. Siwon pick him up and brings him to the sink to clean his face before sitting him down on the couch.
"Daddy...Kyu...sowwy," the little apologises through his remaining sobs.
"Why are you sorry?" 
"Kyu kick daddy,"
"And why did you kick daddy?"
"...dunnow," the little answers after a few seconds, making the older sigh.
"Baby, listen to daddy, okay? Daddy know you are hurt but that does not mean you can hurt other people, too. You kicked daddy and daddy is hurt. Do you like getting hurt?"
The little answers with a whine and shake his head.
"See? Daddy don't like getting hurt, too. Your kicking hurts daddy. If you want or need something, talk. Daddy will help you get it. Understand?"
"...Yes d-daddy...," the little answers, new tears forming in his eyes.
"You promise no more kicking?" Siwon ask to which the boy responds with a nod and a streak of tears fall on his cheek.
"That's my boy. Come here, give daddy a hug," the little crawls into Siwon's arms.
"It's okay, baby,"
The older pats his back and rock him around the room to calm him down until eventually the little falls asleep, just right on time for his nap.

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