Anxious (LT+RW)

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Leeteuk sighs, waiting for Ryeowook in the car with his manager. Ryeowook is saying goodbye to his musical colleagues. Leeteuk went out to get to the car first after taking pictures with the younger and the others. Ryeowook should be out any moment now but he decided to take a rest for a bit. Today had been hectic, just as any other day filled with schedules. He connected the car radio to his phone and turn on some soft songs, resting his head on the headrest and closing his eyes.

"Hi, sorry for the wait. Let's go home!" the younger entered the car, bouncy and excited to go home after a long day.
"You've greeted everyone?" Leteeuk asked.
"Uhum," the younger answers cheerfully.
"Aren't you hungry? Let's get some food before going home. I'm too tired to cook,"
"Can we get fried chicken?!"
"Of course, buddy," the older and the two managers chuckled.

10 minutes and 4 soft songs later, the maknae starts to calm down and yawn. They are an hour away from home and they still need to stop by to get dinner.
"Are you sleepy, Ryeowook-ah? You can sleep first, I'll wake you up before we order the food" Leeteuk say, turning his head to take a look at the younger. He was surprised to see the youngest not listening to him, instead focusing on sucking his fingers.
"" the leader calls out, making the little snaps his head up. His little body was pushed further into the seat as he experience whiplash from the sudden action.
"Oh! You okay?" Leeteuk ask to make sure and answered with giggles.
"Dada!" he show his saliva covered fingers to the older.
"Yes, baby? You are so hungry you eat your own fingers?" he ask and instead of getting an answer, the little babbles and continue to suck his fingers.

They let the little play by himself. After 20 minutes, they finally arive at the fried chicken restaurant. They ordered through drive-through because it would be too risky to bring Wookie out. As they wait for their order to be done, Wookie suddenly calls for his daddy.
"Yes, baby? Do you need anything?"
"Daddy~" the little answers, looking on the verge of crying.
"Daddy is here. No need to cry. What do you need, baby?"
"Dada~" the little whines. Leeteuk decided to change seats with the manager after they get their food, so now he is sitting beside Wookie.
As soon as the older strap on his seatbelt, Wookie whines, making grabby hands for the older.
"Baby, we are in the car. You need to stay seated or else you will get hurt,"
The little's breath picks up as he reaches out, desperately trying to grab the older's arm. His whines become sobs as streak of tears fall onto his left cheek.
"Dada~" the little calls out weakly.
"What is happening? Baby, Wookie, calm down. Hey it's okay, daddy is here. Hyung can we stop by somewhere. We need to calm him down first,"
There is a gas station just 2 minutes away so they decided to stop there. By the time they arrive, the little is a crying mess. Leeteuk swiftly gets the little out of his seat and the boy immediately clings to the older, sobbing into his shirt. 5 minutes later and the little is still unconsollable. Leeteuk had asked his manager to text the members in the groupchat through his phone. Since most of them are already at the dorm, they decided to make a videocall.

"Is there anything that might have triggered him?" Siwon asks through the little's tears.
"I don't know. He's doing fine playing by himself just moments ago. We stopped by for takeouts and suddenly he want me to hold him,"
"You surely don't have his bottle, right?"
"Yes unfortunately. What am I going to do now?"
"How far away are you from home?"
"40 minutes,"
"I don't know but getting him to sit by himself seems impossible...,"
"You're saying I have to hold him until we get there,"
"I mean...I guess,"
"Wait, you don't have his pacifier, too?"
"No...I forgot about it," Leeteuk answers while stroking the little's back to try and calm him down. The leader himself is getting more distressed.

"Um, hyung. I don't know about this but maybe you should look through his phone? Maybe there's something bothering him that he doesn't tell us?" Kyuhyun who had regressed back to his older self surprised the members.
"Do you know something?"
"Huh? N-no I was just thinking of what might trigger him. And hyung said he was doing just fine moments ago. Maybe he suddenly got reminded of something and got anxious?"
"Well, that actually make sense. Hold up let where? Hyung, can you help me look for his phone. It might have fell under the seat,"

They spend 10 minutes looking for the little's phone but to no avail.
"You can't find it?"
"Wait, hyung. Did you hear his phone rings when you called us?" Yesung interrupts.
"...Oh my god, no...,"
"Did he left it?"
"Oh! That's it? Baby, Wookie did you left your phone?" Leeteuk asks the little in his arm. Wookie looks at the older, still sobbing, lips quivering when he slowly puts his head down.
"Baby, did you left your phone at the theater and was afraid to tell daddy?" the little answers with a small nod.
"Oh my god, Wookie. Baby, you don't have to be afraid just because of that. Daddy won't get mad simply just because you forgot your phone. God, thank goodness you are not sick or something. Alright, so now can you calm down for daddy? We are going to turn around and fetch your phone okay? Don't worry, angel,"
"Phew, I thought we had to get ready for a fight or something," Heechul comments as the members scatters away.
"Bro, dramatic much. Anyways, see you guys later then?"

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