Infected (HC+KH)

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Heechul sighed for the nth time, turning around in bed as he tried to take a short nap. He had been feeling unwell since morning and needed to take a day off due to his aching head but somehow someone decided it was the best time to make loud noises. 
"Kyuhyun! Is that you?!" 

There was a loud laugh. Heechul decided to check on the younger. He went to the kitchen where the younger sat on the floor, pots and pans spread all around. Kyu was tapping them with a wooden spoon, giggling.
"Oh, is my little boy up already?"

Kyu gasped and looked up.
"Hi, baby. What are you doing?" Heechul sat down in front of the little. Out of all the toys they had bought, the boy chose to play with the kitchenware instead.
"Baby, you already have a piano in your room,"
"No no piano, dwums!"
"Yes, baby. But drums are too loud. What if our friends come and complain?"
"...Kyu bad," the little answers, pouting after thinking for a while.

"Right, and Kyu don't want to be bad, don't you?"
"So, why don't we do something a bit quieter? How about cartoons? Wanna watch some cartoons?"
"Yes pwease!"
"Alright, you go and wait on the sofa. Daddy will clean this up and we will find some cartoons for you to watch. Here, take this juice,"
"Thank woo,"
"You are welcome," Kyu waddled his way to the sofa with his sippy cup while Heechul put away all the pots.
"Why don't you think of what cartoon you want to watch,"
"Ummm...," the little hums with the tip of his sippy cup still in his mouth.

"So? What do you want to watch?"
"Dunno...," Kyu pouts.
" about, Frozen?"
"Hm...Ah! How about Zootopia?"
"Yeah the one with the rabbit police,"
"Zootopia it is!" Heechul exclaims, earning a giggle from the little.

Zootopia is now on the TV screen.
"Now, can you stay here and be quiet?"
"Yesh, daddy,"
"Alright, daddy will be sleeping right here, ok? Wake daddy up if you need anything,"
The cartoon managed to keep Kyu quiet for about 30 minutes before the little began to move restlessly.
"Daddy, wakey,"
"Hm? Why, what's wrong?"
"Kyu icky," the little told as he try to take off his shirt.
"Hey, don't take that off. Why? Why are you sweating, baby?"
"Dunno...," the little is now whiny and want to be hold by his daddy, making grabby hands.

"Let's take a cold bath, okay? I think you are getting a fever," Heechul take the little in his arms and walk to the littles' room. He put Kyu down on the carpet in the middle of the room before going to prepare the bath.
"Wait a second, I need to pick your clothes then we'll go into the bath, okay?"
While bathing, Kyu is not as excited as he would usually when having a bubble bath. After 10 minutes, the little's eyes started to flutter, trying hard to keep it open. Heechul quickly rinse out the bubbles and carefully wrapped the boy in a newly washed towel. After getting dressed, Kyu seems to get even more drowsy so Heechul decided it was nap time although it's only 10 in the morning. Before the older even get to make his bottle, Kyu was already deep in slumber.

After two whole hours, Heechul went to check on the younger. He had been on edge the whole time after calling Leeteuk to tell the other about the little's condition and the leader saying that he might caught fever due to the current weather in Seoul.
"Kyu? Baby, wake up. It's been two hours," Heechul tried waking the little up to no avail. He put his hand on the little's forehead and he is indeed burning. Heechul immediately took the little in his arms and lay him on the couch in the living room. 
"Hi, Jinki. I need your help. Kyu is having a fever all of a sudden,"
"Oh, um...are you coming or?"
"I can't it's just me and him in the dorm right now. Everyone else are working,"
"Oh, okay then. I'll come now,"
"In the time being, wet a towel with cold water and put it on his head,"

"How long has it been?"
"He started being fussy at around 9.20? He was just watching some cartoons and I was sleeping right by his side. My head had been aching so bad since morning I had to take a day off,"
"Oh, that's why. I was curious too on my way here. You would usually have a recording at this time of the day,"
"Yeah. It hurts so bad I needed the rest. He told me he was feeling icky so I gave him a cold bath and he fell asleep right after. He slept for two whole hours and when I went to check on him, his body was burning,"
"Uhum...I don't think it is something to worry about. So many people came in with fever and flu lately because of the weather. I'll give you the usual fever medications and if in three days his condition doesn't seem to be better, than come to the clinic for further checkup,"
"Do you need medication for your headache?"
"Oh yes, please. This headache is killing me,"
"When are the members coming back? I don't think you are in a good shape to take care of yourself and Kyu,"
"Yeah, I don't think so, too. I've called Teuk and he said he'll have someone home in a few minutes. Maybe Yesung or Donghae, they are just at the cafe,"
"Alright then. Here's all the medicines, read the prescriptions carefully. If you have any questions, call me,"
"Alright. Thank you so much for coming,"
"It's okay, you are a patient, too. I'll get going now. Get well soon,"
"Thanks, bye. Drive safely," 

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