dirty dancing

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at your apartment ; 06:29 hours

It was nearly six-thirty in the morning when your alarm went off which made you grunt as you plastered your face onto your fluffy white pillow.

You felt light headed as you sat up on your mattress "what happened?"

You only remembered that you went to a party last night and drunk a few shots of liquor.

You shrugged it off thinking that nothing had happened the night before but you were still wondering, how did you end up sleeping comfortably on your own bed.

Did someone take you home? You groaned as you gave up reminiscing the events last night. You walked to your latrine to freshen up.

You drank some hangover pills that you found in your cupboard, making you feel less anguish about your massive headache.

You opened your wardrobe and rummaged for a decent clothing to wear to University.

You sprayed a decent amount of perfume on your wrist and on your neck to make it last longer.

Your eyes we're still stinging. Then you realized, the party must have went on until past midnight, making you regret attending it on a school night.

You wanted to let out your stress through partying but you guessed that you picked the  moment of letting it out. You've already committed it so you couldn't go back and undo your blunders.

As you finished consuming time for your daily pattern, you walked out of your room and strutted to your cooking and dining area to find something to chew down.

Turns out, your pastry is empty and so is your fridge. Then you comprehended that you haven't done food shopping in weeks.

You figured that you should just have some take outs from which food shop you see first. You turned on the ignition of you car and drove away.

You saw a chinese restaurant and drove through it. People say that Chinese foods are the best during night time but what they didn't know is that you can have Chinese food on any time of the day.

"My name is Jill, what would you like to order?" The girl behind the barrier smiled.

"I would like some beef and shrimp rice with some dumplings, steamed please" you ordered nicely.  She then nodded as she jotted down your order on her touchscreen PC.

After your breakfast take out journey, you drove to school, parking your car on an empty spot.

You got out of your car and spotted your friend waving crazily at you, making you cackle at her actions "hey Y/n, how was the party last night?" She asked.

She wasn't able to come because she needed to fetch her older brother from the airport.

"T'was pretty crazy" you shrugged. "Oh come on, I know that face" she grinned and poked her pointer to your hips, making you jolt in surprise.

"What do you mean by that?" Your forehead puckered.

"You have that glow! Did you have sex?" Your eyes widened as you immediately shook your head.

"Maisie No! Of course not! What we're you thinking?" She pouted, "well, I just thought okay?" You shook your head and smiled.

Just then, Maisie's eyes widened as she rapidly turned towards you "six o'clock hot jocks" she whispered. 

"Don't make it too obvious!" She's slapped your arm but you turned around anyways.

"Hey Y/n" The baseball captain smiled at you. They were all wearing gym gears because they have practice early in the morning and after school.

Maisie almost pissed herself as she couldn't believe the hot guys we're less than a meter from her.

You were surprised when the captain gently wrapped his arm around you "what are you doing Jungkook?" You nervously laughed.

He pulled you closer, making you bump onto his hard but cuddable chest "last night was the best night ever" he softly said.

"What do you mean?" You didn't remember Jungkook last night.

"Well, you dirty faced in front of me and swayed that pretty arse of yours baby. Gave me a wood after" he chuckled and lightly patted your bum.

You blushed in embarrassment "did I really do that? You aren't lying are you?" You raised four eyebrow. He shook his head and grinned playfully.

You covered your face with your hands "I'm so sorry, I was just so drunk" you pouted.

His arm was still around your waist but you didn't mind "you almost got pulled into a room. Thank God I saw you and pulled you out of that party" now, the other fiys left you both, including your friend.

"Thank you, go must have been the one who took me home too" he nodded and smiled.

"So that's the only thing that happened?" You slowly said as you didn't want to get embarrassed more but you need to know.

"Also, you said that you wanted a belly button piercing" you wheezed.

"Why would I want that bloody thing on my belly button?" You laughed. "Cause apparently, Little Miss here wanted to look sexy for me according to her" he chuckled but you groaned again in humiliation.

You have be low alcohol tolerance. You couldn't believe you did that in one night.

"Why would you say I will find you sexy with a belly button piercing?", "well, most of the hot girls have it" you fidgeted with your fingers.

"Don't laugh" you punched his chest, not too hard of course.

"You don't need a piercing just to be sexy love cause you already are. Damn those things" you giggled as your face reddened.

"How about I walk you to your class?" He offered. "Wouldn't you be late to yours if you do that?" You fretted.

"You're worth being late, now come on. The bell rang five minutes ago" you didn't noticed that, he held you hand and walked you towards your class.

He gently knocked on the door of your classroom.

The door opened seeing Ms. Michelle "oh hi Jungkook" she smiled. Some students stood up because they heard Jungkook's name.

Some murmured about why you're with him "and why are you late Ms. Lee?" She asked you.

Jungkook placed a hand over your shoulder "Mr. Choi made us run an errand before going to class. It took quite a long time, my apologies" Jungkook bowed.

"Oh no, It's okay. Just inform us beforehand okay?" Jungkook smiled. Perks of a person who's full of charm, you thought as you mentally rolled your eyes.

Ms. Michelle walked back to your class. You were about to follow when Jungkook pulled your wrist gently and kissed your forehead.

"I'll see you later at break, love" 

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