sex therapist

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at the company ; 14:59 hours

The relaxed fella was seated on the couch while the others surrounded him "Jungkook, we can't have you be in another scandal with a woman. Can't you calm your hormones down?"

The boss asked. The leader of their group signed

"we can't really stop him from doing it sir, and we apologize. It's his nature" Namjoon said and rubbed his knuckles.

"Having sex everytime is his nature? Come on. This can ruin your career, we all know that. Another scandal and this group is finished. All of you worked so hard to reach the top and you're just going to let it go in a snap just because of your sexual needs?" They all shook their head.

"Figure this out. I'm done fixing your shit Jungkook" the boss walked out of the office.

"I'm sorry, can't help it" Jungkook sighed as he leaned on the seat and closed his eyes. They just looked at him worried and some are disappointed because of the youngest's doings.

"We're going to the studio. Tell us if you figured something out, and if you need help just come to us" Jungkook nodded.

They all left the office leaving him alone in the room trying to figure out how he could help himself.

After a few minutes, the door opened and he saw Sejin, his manager

"I think I might have figured what we could do so you would stay in place boy" Jungkook sat up and looked at him with curious eyes.

"What is it?" Sejin looked somewhere else before looking back at the younger one, "I'm gonna send you to a sex therapist" Jungkook's head shot up

"what? No!" "It's the only way. They know what they're gonna do. A friend actually helped me and I have this calling card of one of the sex therapist. I already booked you a session. No excuses" Jungkook sighed.

He knew he can't go against it because he knew his manager was right. Even though he doesn't know much about this sex therapy thing, it's sounds like a good solution to his crazy hormones

"what about the others? Should I tell them?" He asked. His manager immediately shook his head.

"It's better not to tell anyone, It's better if only two of us knows including your therapist"

Jungkook thought for a second and but his lip before nodding "when will my first session start?"

"Tomorrow at two in the afternoon. I trust you that you won't do anything ridiculous while you're at it, hm?" Sejin patted his shoulders before walking out of the office.

Jungkook looked at the calling card "Y/n Lee?" He chuckled to himself. "Maybe she's not that got that's why she's gonna be my therapist" he sighed with a smirk painted on his lips before tucking the card inside his back pocket.

You on the other hand was busy arranging some documents in your board when someone came in "oh hey Emma, what's that?" You painted at the new file she put on your table.

"The new client" she giggled. "What's special with that?" You shot her a weird look as she was still giddy

"Your client is gonna be Jeon Jungkook, how lucky are you!" She slapped your arm. "So? He's just another client of mine and nothing's gonna change that" you playfully rolled your eyes.

"But his manager said that this is confidential information that nobody should know" you nodded.

"When am I meeting him?" "Tomorrow at two" she answered still having that smile on her lips. "Okay thank you, and get out. You're smiling so weird it makes me" you scrunched up your nose.

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