bestfriend's brother

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[ at the campus ; 14:18 hours]

"Hey y/n, you coming over again later? We could continue watching the show that you like" your best friend Laura asked.

You smiled at her and nodded "for sure!" You said as you started to walk away to your next class.

"Okay, I'll wait for you on your locker later!" She shouted through the hallway and you gave her an okay sign.

You pulled out your phone and saw that you received a message from Jung-kook.

Jung-kook, as in Laura's older brother. Does Laura know? Not a clue. You were scared of telling her. Since she talked about how much she hated it when people just wanna be friends with her just so that they could talk to her brother.

That wasn't your intention though. You were friends with Laura even before you met Jung-kook. You just knew Jung-kook when you bumped into him when you were inside their kitchen. He was really nice to you.

You always come over Laura's house and Jung-kook knew that, that's why he comes home often just to see you.

Usually, he stays over at his friend's house. He asked for your number and ever since then, both of you had been talking.

And the both of you secretly talking and hanging out with each other made you both develop feelings for each other. At first, Jung-kook was about to tell Laura but you told him not to, he was confused but just agreed.

You didn't tell him the reason because you overthink a lot 'what if he thought about Laura's reason and breaks up with me?

What if Laura told him and she would tell him to break up with me? And our friendship with Laura would be broken'

[ time skip after school ; 16:28 hours ]

Both of you entered the house and you immediately caught Jung-kook sitting on the couch. You chuckled.

"Hey Jung-kook, Y/n's here" Laura said. Jung-kook nodded and waved a little like it was nothing, and you just nodded and smiled a little.

"Ugh I'm so tired, I actually didn't get any sleep last night" Laura whined.

"Then why did you invite me? You could've just rested after school" you said. She just shrugged and turned on the television in her bedroom.

Both of you decided to continue the series that both of you had been watching. Half an hour later, you were still watching the series when you heard snores. You turned your head towards Laura and saw her fast asleep.

You gave her a soft smile as you put the duvet over her body and stood up leaving her bedroom to the living room.

"Jung-kook?" You saw no one, but you heard humming in the kitchen so you went there and saw Jung-kook just drinking water.

Jung-kook saw you and grinned "hey beautiful" "hi" you shyly said. He suddenly pulled you towards him and kissed your lips. "Damn, I miss these lips" he suddenly lifted you up and placed you on the counter, making you gasp.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around your waist and his other hand on your cheeks. Both of you started to lean and eventually, his soft plump lips molded with yours. You pulled on his shirt and kissed him back with the same passion.

"Mhm" you whimpered as he began to caress your inner thighs.

Both of you suddenly heard a glass fall onto the floor, breaking into many pieces. Both of you got startled and pulled away from each other.

"Laura" "I can't believe you" she scoffed. Jung-kook just stood there with a shocked expression.

"I told you many times Y/n that I hate it when my friends go for my brother. I can't believe I've been hanging out with you thinking that you're innocent but no,

You've been fucking my brother behind my fucking back" you were ashamed.

"I guess you just befriended me to fuck around my brother like a whore"

"Laura!" Jung-kook raised his voice at her but Laura just scoffed as she looked at you with utter distaste.

"You fucking disgust me."

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