sex therapist (two)

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later that night ; 18:58 hours

After the session a few hours ago, Jungkook went back to his shared apartment along with his members.

As he passed through the door, he was cornered with a lot of questions. They were worried that he's going back to his old way but he just answered them that he was just chilling somewhere.

"Jungkook, can you go to the grocery store? We ran out of soy sauce and some milk" Jin asked as he skimmed through the fridge.

"Yeah, okay" he stood up from the couch and put on his shoes, not forgetting about the money that was on the counter.

He walked towards his car and started the engine before driving away to the grocery store that was a couple streets away.

When he arrived at the grocery store, he got out of his car and entered through the glass doors "milk... milk" he mumbled a he walked through the cold beverage section.

When he got to the isle where all different kinds of milk was, he noticed a familiar figure.

"Ms. Y/n? Nice seeing you here" he grinned. You were startled when you heard your name being called.

"Oh hi Mr. Jeon, please call me Y/n, we're not at work anyway" you giggled as you turned towards him. You were still wearing the same outfit earlier, making him think that you just got off from work.

"Isn't that a bit unprofessional Ms. Y/n?" He raised his eyebrows with a smug from on his smile painted on his lips.

"Well, we aren't in one of our sessions are we? Plus, we're outside so" you chuckled. You knew that you shouldn't be even doing this because you knew he was right, it was unprofessional but you wanted to have a little fun.

He just nodded and chuckled. He found you feisty and challenging which he likes. You're beautiful and fit too so that's a jackpot

"Anyway, I'd love to keep the conversation going but unfortunately, I need to get these home" you playfully frowned as you picked up your basket and walked towards the counter.

"Are these all ma'am?–" "add these ones too" Jungkook put his basket with yours and pulled out his card.

His face was covered with a hat and mask so he wasn't recognizable at the moment. "Jungkook, what are you doing?" You whisper-yelled at him. He just shrugged and smiled "a thank you for earlier, I guess" he said.

"But you're already paying me for the booked sessions Mr. Jeon" you chuckled he just took his head and smiled. "Do you have a car with you?" He asked as you both reached outside.

You shook your head "my apartment is just a few blocks away, I'll manage" "I'll send you home" you were about to protest when he spoke again.

"It's already night, I can't have a beautiful woman like you walking alone through these dark streets" he gently dragged you to his car.

You couldn't protest since he was right, you kinda hated it when you would get stared by drunken men while walking alone. You gave him your address and he drove away.

"You're making this hard for me Y/n" he suddenly blurted out. You looked at him in confusion "why?"

"You're a sex therapist but you're making it harder than it already is" he chuckled. You were gonna reply with a flirty remark but you couldn't. Your tongue got tired to knots and your cheeks were heating up.

"Cat got your tongue, Ms. Y/n?" He chuckled. He knew that you were confident but he also knew that you have a shy side that you would always hide, and he succeeded on bringing that side out.

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