boarding school

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at your apartment ; 10:29 hours

All your life, you've been at a boarding school from the other side of the world. You didn't know the reason why your parents sent you there but you didn't question it.

All your life, you've been lonely, until you met Emma. She's in the same boarding school as you and when your parents decided to pull you out, she convinced her parents to pull her out from that place too.

When you were still a baby, you never met your older brother since he was living in a different state.

And yet, you never questioned them about him either since they would avoid it.

But why? Your grandfather is a powerful man, he only expects male grandchildren so he could pick an heir among them.

But when you were born, they almost took you away if it wasn't for them sending you to boarding school. Your grandfather passed away after a few years.

You heard that the new heir to the group was your cousin because your brother rejected the offer.

After all, he wants to do something else. Up until now, your parents decided to hide you for safety purposes, just in case.

Now you're back to your normal life here. Your parents told you that you were going to meet your brother next week and that made you feel excited.

Does he look like you? Does he have the same doe-like eyes? Is his hair brownish-black? You have a lot of questions about him. You only know that he sings because your mom once sent you a voice message of him singing.

Fortunately, he knows about you too. More than you know him since he would get pictures of you. He even has your picture displayed in his wallet.

If it wasn't for your grandfather's rule, both of you could've been together, making sibling memories all over the years. But no, both of you spent your childhood to teenage years apart from each other.

"Please Y/n, come with me" Emma did the puppy eyes. You cringed "I swear Emma, I'm not into these K-pop groups" you groaned as you plopped your body lazily on your mattress.

"I swear, I won't bother you to come to any other fan meeting Mr concerts after this one" she pouted.

"Emma, you're a horrid liar. We both know, you won't stop until you convince me" you smirked in her direction.

"Well, I only do this because you're the only one who can cope up with my annoying ass. Plus, these tickets will be wasted if you don't come" she shook your body, making you groan for the thousandth time today.

"Please, please, please?" She kneeled onto the ground. "On one condition", "yes, whatever it is", she smiled giddily.

"Okay, I won't wear any of those skimpy merches that you always buy" you grinned. Her smile faltered "why do you look so gutted? It's just a simple thing. Plus, I can't control myself that I might take it off during the fan meeting" you playfully rolled your eyes.

"Cheeky" she muttered. "Thank you madam lady" you gave her a playful smile, "fine since you're gonna come with me" she huffed as she stood up from your mattress and fixed her hair and makeup because she came to your apartment already dressed up.

She said that it would take a long time to persuade you so she came already prepared.

"Are you gonna shower or are you gonna go to the venue with that awful odor" she raised her eyebrow.

"Hey, I don't stink!", " said the girl who hasn't showered for two days" you snickered, "like you don't do it too" you rolled your eyes as you eventually got up from your bed and went inside the loo. 

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