shut up

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[ in the classroom ; 11:29 hours]

You were tasked by your advisory professor to announce to the class that he won't be able to teach today since he had to go somewhere urgent. As the representative of the class, it was your job.

"Guys! Listen up!" You clapped your hands to get their attention. Fortunately, they listened to you as they sat back on their seats. You get anxiety whenever you do these things.

But you took a deep breath. It is your job after all, right? You saw your friend giving you a reassuring smile from her seat.

"So as you know uhm– Mr. Lim isn't going to teach today but he gave me a couple of task for us to do while the class is still on going" you gulped. A guy raised his hand, you signaled him to speak up.

"When are we going to pass the paper? Can we pass it tomorrow?" You gave him a small smile. "Fortunately, Mr. Lee said that the due date is tomorrow, same time as his class. About this time" they all cheered.

"I-I'm going to write the tasks on the board if you don't mind" you stuttered out as you grabbed a marker and started to write on the white board. Suddenly, you got startled by a voice.

"Just shut the f"ck up" you heard a chuckle. Your heart rate started to increase as anxiety started to cloud your thoughts. You started to shake a little. You didn't know why they made you the representative when you were really shy and introverted.

You were taken a back by the statement of none other than the campus bad boy, Jeon Jungkook. You bowed "s-sorry" you felt embarrassed as you walked out of the classroom. You walked towards the bathroom and faced the mirror.

"It's fine. Get a hold of yourself! It's just a boy saying shut up to you haha" you chuckled nervously. "Yes, it's no big deal. No worries" you breathed out. You felt down though, you didn't know why would someone cuss you out for jut simply doing your job.

You get that a lot of people have personalities like that but why go off like that all of a sudden? Or maybe I was just being to sensitive? You thought.

"Jungkook, what was that?" Mindy crossed her arms. "What?" Jungkook rolled his eyes. "I know you have a reputation but doing that to that poor girl? Honestly, she's the sweetest person I've ever met. Did you see her get nervous after she said that?" She asked.

"I know her and she told me about how she gets nervous speaking to a lot of people. She gets anxiety, and you weren't any help Jeon. Tsk" Mindy walked out of the classroom.

Jungkook looked down and flash-backed to when he heard you speaking in front of the class. He didn't really know that it was you who was speaking so he interrupted without any thought.

[ timeskip to lunch ; 12:20 hours ]

Jungkook immediately went out to find you. Once he found you sitting alone at the oval, he approached you slowly. "Uhm Y/n?" You looked up and saw Jungkook. You felt nervous so you couldn't speak.

"Look, I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I have a bit of attitude towards everyone and I know that's no excuse. I just wanted to apologize, you must've felt upset" you smiled at him.

"It's alright, Maybe I'll just have to get used to your attitude to avoid any misunderstanding" you shrugged. But he shook his head.

"No, I can't just have everyone adjust and understand my bad behavior. I'll try to be better I guess" he rubbed his nape and gave you a shy smile.

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