in denial

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y/n's pov ; 15:28 hours

Ever since my older brother left me and my mom for his dream, I wasn't the happy go lucky girl that they know anymore.

Before he left, he promised me that he would always be there for me even though we are miles apart.

Yes, he did talk to me for a few weeks but after that, I think he forgot about me. I'm not an idol so I haven't experienced their struggle.

But not even a hi? I waited day and night just to get a response from him. Even though he would reply late, I'm still very happy but you didn't know the reason why he suddenly stopped.

He never talked to me ever since but he would always call mom. Did I do something to make him hate me?

After Jungkook left, mom also became distant towards me and that broke my heart. Maybe the reason why she only coped up with me was that Jungkook was here, fucking hell.

It seems like every day, I hold a grudge against my family. Whenever my mom would talk to me, all her words are just directing to Jungkook.

She asks me about Jungkook a lot even though we haven't talked to each other. She would mumble stuff like

'I wish he was here' 'life would be better if he was home' 'he would do this or that if he was here instead of partying outside'

thinking that I wouldn't hear but I did. And I said nothing about it. Well, they stopped treating me like one ever since he left.

My phone rang and I looked at the called ID 'birth giver'. Why is she calling now? She probably needs something.

I accepted the call and put my phone over my ear "hello? Baby?" I was grossed out by the nickname.

She never called me that until now. I didn't feel like talking so I just hummed rather than wasting my saliva on her.

Don't get me wrong, I love my mother but it's just been too much. My brother abandoned me, and now her.

Now she's gonna act like nothing happened when she expects me to give her something. "I just want to tell you that your brother is going to come home today"

I heard the excitement in her voice but I ignored it, of course, she's excited because her favorite child is back home. I mentally scoffed.

"Yeah, so? Do you want me to be happy or something?" I snapped. I'm tired of hearing 'Jungkook here' 'Jungkook there' it's so irritating.

"Aren't you excited to see your brother?" I can sense her excitement fading, good for me. "Not really, bye I'll take the bus now", "no, your br–"

I hung up. I wasn't actually at the bus station. I came from the library because that's where I spend my lonely time there. Reading novels was my favorite.

dismissal ; 16:27 hours

Jungkook was already home hours ago "maybe I could pick her up at school? That would totally surprise her" Jungkook smiled.

His mom mirrored his smile "she would, I hope" her smile faded, "why? What happened mom?" He held her hand.

"It's just that, she wasn't the same. She goes home really late, I think she parties a lot. She doesn't talk to me"

"Are you sure?" She sighed and opened up her phone as she looked for your contact. When she did, she clicked on it and it rang.

When you answered, she smiled because you picked up "hello? Baby?" She was expecting a response but there wasn't any. Instead of words coming out, a hum was just heard from you.

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