son of a beach

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at the hotel ; 16:29 hours

You and your husband along with your 8-year-old son took a break from your work and school.

You were the one who thought of this idea and they happily complied with it without any complaints.

"Hey hun, do you want to go to the pool with us?" Your husband asked you as he walked out of the bathroom wearing his swimming trunks.

"I think I'm just gonna chill by the side" you smiled at him.

He helped you put some little snacks in case Jeongsan gets hungry, clothes, and towels.

"Mom! Dad!" You both looked at your son who was also wearing the same trunks that Jungkook was wearing

"Where are your floaties baby?" You asked Jeongsan.

"Mom I don't need them anymore. I'm a man now" he flexed his biceps with the absence of buff muscles, making you and Jungkook chuckle

"Fine, but don't go too far or you'll get in trouble okay?" He nodded happily.

You all walked out of the room and took an elevator to get to the ground floor where the outdoor pool was.

"Let's go!" Jungkook suddenly carried Jeongsan and jumped into the water, making you yell

"Jeon Jungkook!" He smiled sheepishly as he and Jeongsan were completely wet.

You sat on one of the beach chairs and just observed your loved ones playing in the pool, making you smile.

Soon, Jungkook stepped out of the pool and walked towards you. He sat beside you and pecked your bare shoulder.

"How's Jeongsan?" You asked. "Well, he made a new friend" he pointed at Jeongsan and a little girl who's probably also around his age. You chuckled.

The chair was wide enough for you and Jungkook to fit. He leaned his head on the chair as you placed yours on his chest, your fingers rubbing on his toned body.

Both of you were just enjoying the presence of each other.

"Mom!" Jeongsan went towards you. "Yes sweetheart?" "Can I get my IPad?" "Why?" "I'm just gonna take pictures with Nari, my new friend," he smiled.

You take out his IPad from your bag and give it to him "thanks mom" he skipped away.

"Looks like our little boy is now growing fast huh?" Jungkook caressed your hair. You nodded as you cuddled closer to him.

Jungkook lifted your chin and placed a chaste kiss on your lips, making you smile "I love you bun" "I love you too bub".

You both smiled as you observed your son's actions. They were near you and Jungkook so you could hear their conversation.

"I think I like you" you heard Jeongsan said, making you look up at Jungkook who was smiling ear to ear.

The little girl whose name is Nari pouted, "but we can't be together" she looked down sadly.

"But why?" Jeongsan asked her. "Because you have an IPad and I don't so we can't be together. We're different" tears started streaming down her face but Jeongsan immediately wiped them away, making the little girl look up at him.

Suddenly, Jeongsan threw his IPad on the pool, you were about to stand up when Jungkook pulled you back.

You both heard Jeongsan say "there, it's gone now. Nothing can keep me away from you" he smiled at Nari who was surprised.

"That's my son!" Jungkook whisper-yelled. You rolled your eyes and chuckled. "Go find his IPad, thank God that's waterproof"

"Yes ma'am" he saluted before diving into the pool.

Back to the little ones "so?" Jeongsan questioned. "I think we can be together now" the girl smiled. Jeongsan stood up and cheered, "yes! I have a girlfriend" he smiled widely

You just let him be. Young love these days, you thought.

Jungkook brought back the device, which still works. Suddenly, a lady came to the little girl, probably her mom

"Nari, we have to go" "but I wanna stay with Jeongsan" she frowned. The lady's eyes widened in surprise.

The lady looked at Jeongsan. Jeongsan sighed sadly "I think you need to go now or your mom will be mad" he smiled sadly.

He was quite mature for his age. Considering that he understands a lot of things like what the lady's intention was. The mother smiled at the little boy.

"B-but I won't get to see you again" she started to cry. Jeongsan hugged her "don't worry, we'll meet again soon" "but how?"

Jeongsan suddenly walked up to you and pulled you from Jungkook's grip "mom can you get her number so we could meet again? Please?" He did the puppy eyes.

You sighed knowing that you couldn't resist your son's pleading "hello, could they possibly meet again?" You asked nicely.

The lady smiled and nodded, "of course, here" she gave you a calling card. "Thank you, I bet they would be great friends" you chuckled.

"Yeah, I expected that. They're already so attached to each other" the lady laughed, "say bye now Nari"

Nari looked at him "bye Jeongsan" she sadly smiled and waved while Jeongsan did the same.

"That was a manly move earlier Jeongsan" Jungkook ruffled his son's hair.

"Well, I only learned from the best, dad"

inspired by a tweet !

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