game day

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saturday morning ; 07:28 hours

You woke up to the bright sun cascading down your windows, making you groan but you gasped after you checked your phone

'game @ 9' you realized that today is a big day for your boyfriend, Jungkook.

It's the finals to see who would compete for the state competition.

You hurriedly stood up from your bed causing you to get dizzy but you compose yourself after a few moments have passed. You fixed your bed and went inside your loo to freshen up.

You and Jungkook met at one of his games when your friend decided to drag you with her because he wanted to see the hot guys playing basketball.

And you didn't regret it because that's when and where you met the love of your life.

After getting ready, your phone rang from your dresser as you picked it up.

"Good morning beautiful" you heard his deep and sweet voice making your stomach churn as you but your lip trying to prevent yourself from smiling too wide or it may hurt your jaw

"Good morning" you piped out.

You were an introvert and still are. You're still shy whenever Jungkook does some sweet gestures or would kiss you.

It would make you blush a lot. He didn't hate it, in fact, he loved how you would react to his romantic gestures.

"Are you heading to the campus now?" You muttered a yes. "I'll be there before the game starts, okay?"

"Okay love, see you later. I love you", "I love you too" you giggled and hang up the phone call so you could get back to business.

You walked towards your kitchen and opened your fridge. You took out a small container containing the food that you ordered yesterday but didn't finish it.

After that, you decided to ride a bus instead of driving your car since you were sure that Jungkook brought him and both of you are going to ride it together.

Of course, you couldn't leave your car alone.

Your feet kept tapping the hard surface when you rode the bus. You were excited yet quite nervous because this was the first time his game has been held on their campus.

This means, people there obviously know him.

More people will be there. You wouldn't know how to act around because your friend that always accompanies you took leisure at her hometown with her parents and siblings.

As the bus pulled over to her stop, she stepped out of the bus and looked at the huge university in awe.

Your phone dinged and you pulled it out of your pocket checking you messaged you

'hey baby, I'm going to warm up with the team. Nate will accompany you okay? Love you so damn much' the message read.

You smiled but your thoughts drifted to Nate. You didn't know what he looks like but apparently,  Jungkook talks about how he and Nate had been friends ever since sophomore year.

You never saw him though. Maybe because both of you had been together for only a few months.

Just as you were thinking about Nate, your thoughts blared as you heard a voice "Y/n, right?"

You looked up to see a guy looking at you with a smile. You nodded and smiled back. "Come on, Jungkook has been waiting for you for ages" he exaggerated, making you laugh.

He wasn't awkward like what you expected him to be, you were relieved. You felt many stares around you, making you feel uneasy and Nate noticed it.

"That's nothing baby girl, they just saw an unfamiliar face so they stare. It's normal" you started at him stunned when you heard him call you baby girl.

He noticed your expression and chuckled.

"Don't worry love, I swing the other way" he winked, making you laugh with him. Oh, so he's into men.

The people around you were thinking, why on earth are you with Nate as he was one of the popular guys.

Both of you reached the court and he led you to the second row of where Jungkook's team's bench was at

"Hey Nate, who's this beauty?" You looked up and saw another guy, this time, his arm was wrapped with a cast.

"Jeon's girl, you know Y/n?" He nodded. "Hello, I'm Adrien, Jungkook's friend and teammate" he gave you his billion-dollar pearly white smile, making you smile back.

You saw Jungkook from your view, he was shooting hoops and doing layups.

Your heart thumped as he looked straight at you and winked. Gosh, you couldn't wait to kiss those deliciously plump lips of his that he always coat with strawberry chapstick.

You looked around seeing some girls. Well, most of them were glaring at you because you were sitting with the hottest jocks.

The boys didn't have any break since they were so hyped up for this leaving no time out for them.

Time skip, it's already the fourth quarter. You exactly know who will win. If you look at the scoreboard, it's already obvious.

You didn't get bored at the game since the commentator was funny but of course, still doing his amazing commentary skills while adding some laughs.

"5, 4" this is it. "3, 2" you closed your eyes. "1!" The people sitting on the bleachers on your side howled and cheered as they jumped around, including you.

You were squealing with Nate while jumping around. A sweaty Jungkook walked towards you.

You smiled and jumped in his embrace "you did so great baby" he was shocked since you were giving him affection in public which was new but he didn't mind and hugged you back, muttering a thank you and an I love you on your ear.

"Congrats, you're gonna be competing as the state team now" you smiled. He nodded and smiled

"Well, that's because of my lucky charm here. If you didn't come, I'm sure that I won't be able to shoot even one hoop" you playfully rolled your eyes knowing that he's lying.

He has powerful athletic skills but you let that pass since today is a special day for him. He pulled you in for a kiss which made you blush madly but kissed back. You could feel him smiling through the kiss as your lips moved in sync.

"I love you" he pecked your nose. He frowned when you didn't respond "what? I've said it a bunch of times now" you playfully groaned.

"I love you" still, you didn't respond. You just nodded and gave him a smile before walking away.


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