sex therapist (three)

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next thursday ; 13:30 hours

The past few days after that incident, he never tried to contact you since he thought that you were just busy.

And he was hopeful that you were gonna talk to him since today is another session for the both of you. He did promise that he wasn't gonna meet anyone until the sessions are finished.

At first, he broke it but the second time he professed, he stayed true to his words and just focused on his career at the moment.

He wasn't gonna lie, not giving yourself off to someone for a whole week was Normal.

Normal. Haven't experienced that for a while. He thought to himself.

He arrived at the building and saw Sarah on the front desk "hey, is Y/n here yet?" Sarah smiled and nodded. "You're a bit early for your session though Mr. Jeon" she chuckled.

"Oh and first name basis with her already?" She gave him a teasing smile. Jungkook just playfully rolled his eyes.

"Is Y/n doing something? We could start the session early if you know, she isn't doing anything" Sarah was about to speak when they heard the door at the first floor opened.

There you were, laughing with a guy "who's he?" He raised his eyebrow. "He's Ian" Sarah answered. He was gonna ask more when you turned towards them.

"Oh, you're early today Mr. Jeon" you were surprised and smiled. Why does it look fake though? He thought but he just shrugged it off and smiled back

"I was out of the studio early and decided to come early?" He reasoned.

You just bobbed your head. "Who's this?" Ian asked. "I'm Jeon Jungkook, her frien–" "client!" You interrupted him and shot him a fake smile.

Jungkook clicked his tongue but nodded and smiled fairly at him "so you don't know me at all?" He asked Ian.

He shook his head "not that I know of?" "He's from London that's why, and he doesn't really go up on social media" you explained. "But how did you both know each other?" Jungkook asked.

Isn't he asking too much about our lives? You thought and mentally rolled your eyes "I studied high school at London but moved here when my mom wanted to start a new life" you explained,

"yeah we dated too, remember that?" Ian asked you and you nodded with a blush on your face. Jungkook felt his jaw clench. Does he really have to say that?

"The only reason why we broke up is because she doesn't do long distance relationships but here I am now, I moved here just five days ago" he smiled.

"So both of you are together or?" Jungkook furrowed his forehead. "Not at the moment but hoping" Ian said which made you release a nervous laugh as heat crept up your cheeks once more.

"Mhm, I'm not really here to know everything about you or Y/n. Just wanna get this session over with" Jungkook blurted out as he went to the elevator to the floor where the session takes place

"But he asked us about it?" Ian confusingly stared at the moving elevator.

"Sorry Ian, he just has some issues haha. If you l ow what I mean" he nodded and just smiled.

"I better go now, I'll call you tonight?" You nodded and smile before bidding your goodbyes to each other "ooh, I smell a love triangle" Sarah sniffed around like a mad woman, making you laugh but playfully roll your eyes as you waved her off

"Shut up" you chuckled as you followed on Jungkook's steps and head upstairs.

When you went inside the office, he was already seated on the couch "so lets start about–" "sorry to interrupt but can I ask you something?" You were skeptical but you nodded slowly as you sat in front of him.

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