bestfriend's brother (two)

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[ at the campus ; 10:20 hours]

You stayed away from Jung-kook after that. And no, Laura didn't want to listen to your explanation. Laura avoided you too in school.

You couldn't contact Jung-kook since he wouldn't answer his phone. I guess this is it.

What's worse is he studies in another school and you forgot what was the address and the name so you couldn't come to him, you couldn't go to his house either, Laura would be there. 'what a loser' you said to yourself as you continued walking down the hallway.

You saw Laura laughing and chattering with other girls and you were upset.

"It's like she never even valued our friendship that much like how I do" you muttered to yourself as you walked away.

Your heart clenched, Laura didn't want to talk to you and neither does Jung-kook.

The two people you thought you could depend on. Now, you have no one. You felt isolated without having a company.

"Hey Jung-kook, you good? You've been gloomy all day— who's that?" Jace, one of his teammates asked as he saw the picture on Jung-kook's phone screen. Jung-kook sighed as he turned off his phone.

"Just someone" he mumbled. Jace looked at him with a sad look, he knew that it was someone special to Jung-kook.

"Alright bro, if you ever need someone you know I'm always here, right?" Jung-kook gave him a small smile as he nodded.

[ time skip at home ; 14:10 hours ]

Jung-kook just got home from his school as he entered the house. He heard noises in the living room and when he came across the living area, he saw Laura and her new friends. He looked away.

Laura saw Jung-kook and smiled as she tapped her new friend's shoulders

"guys, guys! That's my older brother Jungkook" the girls smiled seductively as they stared at Jungkook. "Jungkook! Meet my girls" Laura smiled and giggled.

Jungkook just drank water on the counter and walked upstairs ignoring all of them "why did he ignore us?" The girls pouted and whined. Laura looked at the staircase and frowned.

Jungkook's heart felt heavy. He felt worst when he ignored your calls and your texts. But he had to, for his sister. He didn't want to cause more chaos when Laura knows that he still talks to you.

Someone suddenly knocked on the door and it opened. He looked over and saw Laura "What was that earlier? We just wanted to say hi–"

she was cut off when Jungkook took his jacket and walked out of the room bumping into Laura as he went out.

Laura's heart started to feel heavy as she looked downstairs at Jungkook storming out of the house. Her new friends tried to get his attention but failed. Her jaw started to clench.

[ time skip ; 18:49 hours ]

Jungkook opened the front door and looked around. "Sweetheart, there you are! Why are you out so late? Join us for dinner" he didn't want to upset his mother so he complied and sat in front of Laura at the dining table.

Laura was looking at him but he didn't make a single eye contact with her.

"Have this soup, drink it while it's hot hm?" He just nodded at his mother as the four of them continued to eat dinner quietly.

Suddenly, Laura slammed her fist on the table, making everyone on the table look at her "are you serious Jung-kook? When are you gonna end this charade? Just grow the f*ck up and stop ignoring me!" Jung-kook scoffed.

"Look who's talking about growing up. Why don't you look at yourself first huh? Isn't your immaturity's fault the reason why we've come to this situation?" He replied.

"Me? It was your fault that you kept that secret from me!"

"And you could've listened to our explanation first! Whenever I bring that up you always change the subject and ignore me. Now, how does it feel?"

"I didn't listen to your explanation because I'm just gonna get another excuse–"

"And how would you know, Laura? Have you listened to us once? No right?" "Then instead of ignoring me for way too long, why haven't you talked to Y/n–"

"Because I didn't want to cause more problem Laura! If I talked to her again, I knew that you would be mad, so I didn't do that because it would cause another backlash from you!

But then you let your 'new friends' flirt with me and you're okay with that?" He scoffed.

Their parents just sat there bewildered with what they were witnessing but didn't interrupt it.

"I stopped talking to her, I didn't answer her calls nor her texts because you became angry when I was about to reply. Haven't you done enough damage? Your problem with me being in a relationship with her made you mad.

Now that it's over, aren't you happy?" Jung-kook said as he stood left the dinner table.

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