sex therapist (four)

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at the restaurant ; 16:59 hours

He didn't answer the phone so he he left it ringing throughout his wait while you were inside the restroom.

After a few minutes, you came back and sat back on your seat "So does my manager call you on your daily basis?" He blurted out.

You chuckled "uh yeah but only after your sessions. I inform him if it went well or not. I don't tell him anything we've talked about" you smiled.

Your words and smile somehow brought relief to his core as he nodded and gave you a smile.

He watched you as you are your food. You weren't like the other girls who kept their poise when eating, just ordering greens that doesn't even make you full.

But you. You didn't care about how you look, and that's what he loved about you.

Love? He laughed to himself. Never knew he would say those words early or even say it at all.

Your beauty inside and out captivated him. He couldn't help but look at you and admire you like you're a goddess. You felt self conscious when you noticed him starting at you.

"Is there something wrong?" You touched your face to feel if you have some sauce somewhere but he just chuckled

"No, just admiring the beauty in front of me" you blushed but you laughed it off.

Y/n you're better than this. You thought. You never blushed for anyone except for Ian before but now, there's just no chemistry.

"Shut it" you playfully rolled your eyes. "Hey is it true that you can't date your clients?" You thought for a moment.

"I mean, there aren't really any rules regarding that but some said that it's okay, and some said that it's not" you shrugged.

"Aren't sex therapist allowed to have sex with their clients?" You choked.

You quickly drank your glass of Iced tea as you looked at him with a bewildered expression "I'm eating?"

"Oops" he sheepishly smiled. You sighed "yes, they are allowed to but I've never done that to any of my clients if that's what you're thinking" you continued to eat your food.

"So you're a virgin?" "Why don't you help me find out?" You said and tilted your head innocently.

"You know what you're doing to me, stop that" you pouted but laughed after.

"Feisty, I like you" he chuckled. I like you too. Your eyes widened as you mentally shook your head. That's too early, chile.

After half an hour of eating. Well, mostly talking, both of you stood up from your seats and walked out of the restaurant

"I'll take you home, come on" he dragged you to his car. You were used to him dragging you, leaving you to say nothing on everything but you didn't mind. You like this dominant side of him.

Especially that he was taller and bigger than you, making you look like his doll next to him.

His doll? Kinky. You laughed, making him look at you "Is there something wrong?' You shook your head with a smile on your face.

"What are you thinking in that smart mind of yours Ms. Lee?" He placed his big and being hand on your thigh.

You wanted to pull his hand away but you didn't. When he noticed that you weren't pushing him away, the corner of his lips curved upward as he rubbed your clothed thigh up and down.

You mentally groaned as you wanted to feel his hands on your bare legs but unfortunately, you wore pants today.

"Do you like this?" You gulped but slowly nodded. It felt so wrong and right at the same time.

But you didn't mind at this very moment. "I don't know if I should continue this if you aren't gonna speak up baby" he chuckled.

You nearly melt when he called you 'baby'. "I want this" you muttered. It was quiet but audible, making him smirk.

"I'm sorry, I didn't hear it" "I said I want it, please" you mumbled the last word quietly. "Come here" he patted his lap.

You gulped. This is it. I don't know if this would get me fired or not but right now, I don't care. You climbed to the driver's seat and sat on his lap.

You immediately felt sensations run down your body as he held your hips and groaned.

"Fuck, I've always imagined you seated on top of me like this" he bit his lip.

"Y-you imagined us?" You nervously stuttered out. "Always love" he chuckled. "May I?"

He caressed your cheek as you nodded with a sigh. He pulled you in and captured your lips with his. You immediately moved your lips in sync with his as he kissed you with passion.

You felt your self shift on his lap, making him groan "you're making this harder for me Lee" his grip on you tightened, making you whimper and play with his hair while both of you made out in the front seat.

"I wish I could just feel you bare right now, you don't know how much you affect me so much love, and I'm not even complaining" he sexily chuckled as he kissed you once more.

Both if you got startled when you heard the car's horn blare. You gasped as you held onto him.

He laughed "your ass is just so plump and firm, you accidentally pressed on the horn" he traced his hand from your back to your ass giving it a squeeze and a pat.

"So are we gonna drive off now Mr. Jeon?" You asked.

He groaned "can't you just stay here while I drive?" "We both know you're not gonna last with me seated here Mr. Jeon" you giggled as you sat back on the passenger's seat.

He pouted, making you wonder how could he change from being a top hound to a complete love sick puppy "we're here love" you looked at the window and saw your apartment.

You grabbed your bag and walked out of the car. Jungkook was a bit disappointed that you didn't even say goodbye.

He was surprised when he heard a knock on his window. He rolled it down and gave you a small smile "forgot anything?"

"Yeah" you pecked his lips, a smile immediately crept up his lips. "I forgot that, good night Jungkook" you smiled as you walked off.

"That girl is gonna be the death of me" he said to himself as he smiled and drove off after you walked inside your apartment.

As he arrived at his shared house with the other members, they looked at him skeptical

"Why are you late? Thought you were just stating at the studio but our manager said that you were supposed to be finished at four"

"Just went out to chill" he smiled. "And why are you so smiley?" They laughed but some were suspicious.

"Why? Am I not allowed to smile?" They shook their head. "It's just weird. You're smiling like a serial killer" Jimin shivered but Jungkook just rolled his eyes.

"Whatever" he rolled his eyes and walked off to his room.

As he left the members downstairs, Hoseok spoke "isn't he acting weird?" They all nodded.

"Maybe he's just happy, just let the boy live. He's been stressed about the come back and everything" Jin sighed.

"Maybe because he had sex again?" Jimin raised his eyebrow. "We don't know that and plus, he promised us that he won't do it again" Namjoon said.

"That's not what I saw earlier" Jimin chuckled.

"Wait, you followed him?! Are you insane?"

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