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[ after school ; 14:20 hours]

"Whatever dummy, you lost during our bet. Now, you have to whatever i want for a week" Jung-kook smirked while you just pouted.

You and Jung-kook had been up on each other's throats since freshman year.

You pouted. Although both of you challenged each other at everything, you still have a soft spot for him which developed just last year.

You wondered if he had any soft spot or liking towards you too.

Both of you were bickering when you suddenly heard someone yell your name

"Y/n!" Your head shot up seeing your mother, your eyes widened as she started to walk towards you.

"I'm fetching you because we need to hurry. I forgot to inform you that today is the family reunion and of course, we're expected to come– oh is he your friend?"

You gulped as your mother turned towards Jung-kook who was surprised by her rambling.

"Sort of?" You trailed your words. Your mother beamed  "you never really bring your friends at home.

He could come with us to the family reunion! What's your name son?" "Jung-kook ma'am" he scratched his nape.

"Don't call me that, mom or auntie is okay. Any close friends of Y/n is family" she winked at him, making him confused.

"Mom, I'm sure he has something important todo than attend a family reunion with people he isn't even related with" you said.

Jung-kook smirked "oh no auntie, I'd be honored to go. Besides, me and Y/n are pretty close, right?" You gave him a questioning look.

You were gonna protest when he pinched your side, making you jolt. "You okay hun?" You nodded.

"Okay, that's settled then. Y/n get in the car" you pouted as you stomped your way inside the vehicle. Your mom turned towards Jung-kook

"are you sure you're not more than friends?" Jung-kook's eyes widened "no auntie, we're far from that"

"Hmm, well then let's see where fate bring you both" your mother chuckled, making Jung-kook smile at her cheeky behavior 'now i know where she got those cheekiness from' he chuckled as he entered the car.

You and your mother dropped Jung-kook first at his house to freshen up. He said that he would just come to the address your mother gave him since he didn't want to trouble them by picking him up.

You were nervous since your crush slash enemy slash friend (?) is going to the family reunion.

That's a first for you since you never really introduced your friends or anyone to them. But at the same time, you're excited.

'I hope he won't annoy me later' you sighed. You loved being with Jung-kook but the bickering just irritates you.

'I hope he acts normal' you thought as you looked at your mini dress paired with some sneakers so you don't seem too formal.

You and your mother proceeded to the venue which is inside a luxurious hotel, making you think that your rich uncle paid for it definitely.

"Y/n, hi!" One of your cousins hugged you. "Lara, it's so good to see you" you smiled at her.

"I know but it won't be good to see them right?" Lara pointed to Leo who was sitting with four familiar boys.

You groaned, you always hated being in the same room with Leo's friends, probably because they all tried to hit on you, especially that Aiden guy. Ew.

"Y/n! Sit here with us" your mom said who was already sitting next to your aunties at the big table, making all of them look at you.

You saw Aiden smirking at you along with his friends. "You remember Aiden, right? He's Leo's friend and you look cute together" one of your aunties squealed.

"My daughter is actually bringing a friend" phew, thank you mom. "Well, she's not here, is she?" Leo said obviously siding with Aiden.

"He, he's a guy actually" your mother beamed. I don't even know why mom likes Jung-kook so much ugh.

"Oh! Jung-kook welcome" your mom stood up as she walked towards Jung-kook and gave him a hug, making him smile.

Your eyes widened as he walked towards you and leaned down to kiss your forehead, he chuckled at your flushed face.

"Apologies for being late, something held me up at home" he sheepishly smiled. Your relatives' jaw dropped, along with Aiden "oh my, what a handsome young man" he smiled shyly as he sat down beside you. Two staffs walked towards the table.

"Is there anything you need– oh Mr. Jeon, good evening" the two of them bowed to Jung-kook. They all looked at Jung-kook

"you know him?" Your uncle asked the staff. "Ah yes sir, This is one of Jeon Tower's hotels" they smiled.

You looked at him surprised "I didn't know you were this rich" he just shrugged. All of them were surprised. Time skip after dinner. They insisted on bowling after the supper, so now you were sat on one of the benches at the bowling alley which was one of the amenities of the hotel.

"Jung-kook, you joining?" Aiden tsk-ed. "I'll join, don't worry I'm a good player Y/n" he winked and your face cringed. Jung-kook stood up

"I'll play" "why don't we bet Jung-kook. Whoever wins, the prize is a date with Y/n. We get to do only" your eyes widened. "Deal" 'what??' Your eyes widened.

"But we're not following the usual rules of bowling. We only get to play five balls. Whoever has the highest number of strikes wins"

Jung-kook just nodded, and kept his calm composure while you on the other hand was panicking inside.

The game started and everyone cheered except you. Aiden went first and he took down all pins except for one.

One the second try, he took it down leading to a strike on the second try. He smirked, you grew nervous since he was good at it. 2/5 balls and one strike.

The second try was the same 4/5 and two strikes already. Third try was a strike at first try making it 5/5 and three strikes.

What? You gulped. Aiden went back to his seat "your turn boy" Jung-kook looked at you and saw that you were fidgeting with your fingers, he lowered his head and grinned.

Jung-kook positioned himself and you took a deep breath. Threw the ball. Strike. Your eyes widened as he did it on the first try. Second ball. Strike. You smiled as your uncle and your mother cheered for him. Third ball. Strike. Fourth ball. Strike. Fifth ball. Strike. Making it five strikes all together.

"You did it!" You jumped and smiled at him. "Let me guess, you wanted me to win because you didn't want to go on a date with that guy, right?"

You nodded. He leaned closer to you, making you gulp as he lift your chin up to face him.

"That's your plan but a bet is a bet. You have to go on a date with me"

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