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Jungkook's pov

at university ; 12:29 hours

I'm currently at university, walking around in hopes to find my best friend because she seems to be wondering at someplace every time and probably typing her fingers on her phone till her heart's content.

I've been wondering whether she's in a romantic relationship right now since I always find her smiling through the bright screen.

I'm her best mate, she should be able to tell me that right? But why can't she? It's not like I'm going to abandon her if I knew that she likes someone else.

I've accepted that for a long time now that I'm not the lad who will occupy the space in her heart someday. I didn't mind her being in a relationship.

First off, she's my best friend. It's unreasonable for me to leave her just because another guy entered her life. I was still roaming around trying to find her small figure.

Gosh Y/n, why do you gotta be so small and huggable?

"Jace, have you seen Y/n?" I asked one of my teammates since I'm on the basketball varsity team. You can say that I'm a basketball jock.

Jace shrugged "she's probably with Mave since they're always together" he acknowledged me. Y/n, where in the world are you now?

I saw Mave, one of her friends at her locker so I jogged towards her direction and tapped the locker beside hers. She turned her attention towards me and smiled "what's good?" 

She leaned on her locker, hugging her subject notes, and focused her attention on my figure, looking up because she's a small mushroom.

"Have you seen Y/n?" I implored. "I don't really know but she went in that direction. Probably going to the music room again" she told me.

What she meant by 'going to the music room again' is Y/n was probably there hanging by herself again with the electronic device that she loves so much.

The music room is however not renovated or stabilized. It's kind of an abandoned music room filled with rusty instruments for now. I walked through the campus hallway filled with lockers and entries on different classes and offices.

Finally, I arrived at the music room. There was a small window pane on the door. Although it was dusty, I wiped it off and peeked inside.

Y/n was once again on her phone but she was halting every time looking to nowhere, probably thinking of what she was going to type next on that device of hers.

I sighed but I saw that she was wearing her earphones so I suppose it's a good way to scare her soul away.

I gently unlocked the door and tiptoed until I reached her behind. I looked over and saw that she wasn't texting anyone according to my expectations. Instead, she was writing a whole paragraph in a black setting.

I carefully skimmed over the words that she was typing away. My eyes enlarged as I sighted my name there.

It says that 'Bella was heartbroken when she knew that Jungkook is moving away for college'.

Who the hell is Bella? I placed my hand on her shoulder "don't tell me you're writing a story about me" her body stiffened as I spoke.

She put her phone away and turned towards me with a surprised face "hi!" She breathed out as she let off a nervous smile.

"Were you writing something about me? Don't lie, I saw my name" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I just thought that Jungkook was a good name" she stuttered as she mentioned my name. I wasn't upset that she makes stories about me. Instead, I'm pleased to know that she even thinks about me.

She looks away and fidgets her fingers when she bluffs. "Are you sure? I supposed my personality and your character's personality is just a coincidence"

Yes, I also read her character's personality. She didn't answer my response. "It's like you were really into your story that you hardly even talk to me anymore" I sat beside her.

"No, it's not like I don't like you. Trust me I do" she blurred out but she covered the lower half of her face when she realized what she said.

"You do like me" the corner of my lips unconsciously curved upwards as I heard what she said.

"I thought you like bad sporty boys" I chuckled. "Shush, you're a varsity player yourself, what do you mean by that?"

She rubbed her nape as she looked away from me. "I'd rather go for guys who will whisper in my ear about the anatomy of a human's heart than guy's who would instead whisper dirty words in your ear, it turns me off" she cackled.

It's valid though, I do sports but I prefer academics over any curricular activities. That's the reason why I'm one of the top students.

I stayed silent as I couldn't comprehend the words she just clamored "you still haven't as for anything about me liking you" she gulped and looked down on her feet.

"I didn't say that I didn't like you back, did I?" I gave her a sweet smile.

"Are you indirectly saying that you like me too?" She questioned me. I hummed as a response.

"So, are we dating now or what?" It seems like we're both inexperienced in being in a romantic relationship which is nerve-wracking for us, mostly for her.

"I guess we are", I placed my hand on top of hers, making us both flustered by what I just did.

A few moments later, we suddenly burst out laughing "this is the most awkward we've ever been" she laughed.

I cracked up with her. Her face reddened after I leaned over her and placed my lips on her ear and whispered.

"So, how about I start whispering about the anatomy of a human heart and tell you how fast it beats around you?"

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