bestfriend's brother (final)

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[ at your apartment ; 19:20 hours]

After that, Jungkook walked out of the house and drove to where he wanted to be right now, in your arms.
"I can't believed I ignored Y/n for that childish girl" he said to himself as he continued driving down the busy road.

Once he arrived at your apartment, his anger subsided as the corner of his lips slightly turned upwards.

He hurriedly walked out of the car and towards your front door. He knocked on the door and he heard feet rushing to the door.

The door opened and there you were, rubbing your eyes since the knock woke you up from your nap

"Jung-kook? What are you doing here–" you were suddenly cut off when Jung-kook suddenly pulled you close to him.

Your body pressed on to his, you gasp as you looked up at him "a-aren't you mad?" You asked nervously.

"Baby, I was never mad at you" you looked up at him in confusion, "but how" "before I explain, can I kiss you?" You gulped but nodded.

"Fuck" he said under his breath as he cupped your face and kissed you.

It wasn't any type of kiss, it was an 'I miss you so much. We could've done this everyday but someone had to ruin it' type of kiss.

You kissed him back with the same passion and now you were up on the wall in front of your apartment as Jung-kook started to trail his kissed down your jaw, neck, and collar bone.

You whimpered as you tried to speak "Jung-kook, people may see us" you breathed out as you let out another moan when he sucked on your sweet spot.

He pulled away his lips from your neck as he looked into your eyes.

"You're right, let's continue inside" you giggled as he chuckled and carried you with your legs wrapped around his waist.

He sat down on the couch in the living room with you on his lap.

He was going to remove your nightgown but you stopped him "hm?" He looked at you confused. You just laughed and gave him a chaste kiss on his lips "can we talk first?" His gaze turned soft as he nodded.

He was rubbing your back and sides as you spoke "are we good? Did we break up? Is Laura okay?" You asked.

He sighed "of course we're okay, no we didn't break up. I'm sorry for ignoring you but ai thought that would make Laura stop from meddling with my business.

But she's still the same. She didn't like you flirting with me but she let her new friends do it.

Honestly, I think she has a problem with you love, but just ignore her and move on. There are many more people out there that you can be friends with.

Being friends with someone who's toxic and immature won't do you any good baby. I don't know the reason why she did that but let's not overthink okay?" You pouted but nodded.

"Now give daddy a kiss" he said smugly, making you roll your eyes playfully but kissed him, placing both of your hands on his chest as he pulled you closer by your waist. Once the both of you pulled away, he looked into your eyes with love.

"Good girl"

[ next morning ; 06:39 hours ]

It was really early when you woke up. Feeling an arm wrapped around you, you turned around and saw Jung-kook, remembering the moment the both of you had last night, you smiled, you turned around.

"Mhmm" he stirred in his sleep, his eyes fluttered open.

He looked down and saw you staring at him already, making him smile "good morning beautiful, had fun staring at me?" You playfully rolled your eyes but you just gave him a grin.

"Yes" you admitted, making him grin as he hovered himself on you and gave you a long kiss "beautiful" he muttered as he looked into your eyes and nuzzled his nose with yours, making you both smile.

The loud knock on the front door, made Jung-kook groan, you just chuckled and pecked his nose "don't worry, we can continue this later. Let's go" you pulled him out of bed, making him playfully roll his eyes. Both of you dressed up and walked towards the front door.

"Laura?" Your eyebrows furrowed when you saw her there. "I-I wanna apologize" you heard Jung-kook click his tongue behind you.

"Let's talk inside" you said softly. Laura was looking at Jung-kook who had his hand on your lower back.

The three of you sat and faced each other in the living room. You motioned Laura to speak "t-the reason I didn't like you to be together with Jung-kook was because I-" she gulped.

"I like you" your heart dropped.

You felt furious "you like me? That gives you the right to do whatever you wanted with us?" Your jaw clenched.

"I know it was wrong but I really like you Y/n. I thought that if I can't have you, Jung-kook can't too. I'd rather see you with anyone just not my brother" she lowered her head.

"And you never told me anything? Hell, I get naked in front of you. We even shower together sometimes! When you touch my bare skin, I just thought that it was a friendly thing, since we are girls but no! I feel so dirty right now" a tear fell from your eye.

Jung-kook caressed your hand, he was angry but he didn't want to make the fire flare more "leave" Laura just nodded, she was sniffing.

"Before I leave, please forgive me" she said and looked at you with teary eyes.

Usually, her puppy/ teary eyes would make you 'aww' in cuteness and just instantly do whatever she wants but right now? You felt disgusted.

You felt furious. "No, I don't forgive you" she looked back down on her feet again. "Maybe someday I'll do. I-I just can't right now"

"I understand. I'll leave now. Take god care of her Jung-kook" Jung-kook just stared at her.

When she was nowhere in sight, he closed the front door and immediately embraced you. You sobbed in his arms

"I-I didn't know she f-felt like that. I'm digusted" you cried.

"But it's all resolved now, okay?" You nodded and calmed down in his embrace. He kissed your temple.

"Don't worry about her. You already dealt with her and you did great baby"

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