morning after

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[ in your bedroom ; 07:39 hours ]

The last thing you remembered was sleeping in his arms.

The feeling of his lips was still lingering on yours but you woke up to the daylight shining down your window pane, making your eyes flutter open

"Jung-kook?" You looked beside you and saw an empty space.

Your breath hitched as you wrapped your blanket around your bare body. Last night was the best night of your life. You finally gave your virginity to the school's popular boy but you were gutted at the moment.

Did he regret sleeping with you? You were expecting to wake up with him beside you but to your luck, he wasn't. You let your tears fall down from your eyes as you laid your head on your knees.

Jungkook on the other hand, he left your house early in the morning. He felt like it was the best thing to do, which isn't really the best thing because that's stupid. He felt guilt rush through him as he imagined you waking up to no one by your bedside.

"Fuck, I shouldn't have just come home"

he ruffled his hair in frustration. The image of you thinking that he regretted the wild, night yesterday that he had with you, made him feel mad and disappointed at himself, especially since it was your first time and it was supposed to be special to you. It was the night before but the morning after made everything turn upside down.

You and Jungkook had been dating for three months, you were shy as the campus sweetheart but he was the outgoing popular guy.

You can say that opposites really do attract each other. His friends we're surprised when he settled on one girl, and the that girl was you. They were even more surprised since he didn't have any sexual intercourse with you.

He was usually the one who couldn't wait patiently and just get laid but no, he waited for you and respected your decision.

He wasn't mad about it. Instead, he was very understanding and he said that he would stay with you even if you're not into the intimate stuff, and of course it made your heart swell for him more

Jungkook's mother was calling him all night but he didn't answer since his phone was off.

The moment she called him early in the morning, she was furious since he didn't say anything about going out or sleeping over at someone's house, making her wordy about him all night. It was a Sunday morning, he was already having breakfast. His mother noticed his slumped mood and asked.

"Are you alright, son? You seem a bit down" Jungkook fiddled with the utensils. "Remember Y/n, mom?" She nodded and smiled.

"Your girlfriend right? She's very kind hearted and beautiful" Jungkook nodded and gave a small smile.

"She really is" he sighed. "You're not telling anything, did something happen between the both of you?" He nodded and bit his lip.

His mom is basically his best friend. He could tell her anything without getting judged after

"S-she gave herself last night to me. That's the reason why I wasn't answering your calls" he turned beet red because of the thing he just informed his mother.

"Really?" His mother's smile turned into a concerned expression, "Aren't you supposed to be with her right now?"

"But you called me and I don't want you to get mad cause I didn't call you back last night" her eyes widened as she stood up and slapped his back.

"Oh my, poor girl must have been crying when she didn't find you by her side. You better go there right now!" He gulped and rushed out of the door and got in his car.

"Fuck baby, I'll be there soon" he drove away fast to your flat not caring if his meter was way past the speed limit. All he cared was getting there in no time and have his arms wrapped around yours.

When he arrived at your house, he didn't even bother parking his car properly in front. He dashed from his car and to your bedroom.

His heart broke and he drowned in guilt when he opened the door and saw you crying. You were still in the same position as you were earlier, you couldn't bear to move.

You gasp in surprise when you looked up and saw Jung-kook in your room "what are you doing here, aren't you supposed to be somewhere more important?" You sniffled.

"Baby I'm so sorry" he walked up to you and sat on your bed wrapping his arms around you. You cried even more

"why did you L-leave?" you asked in between sobs. His heart swelled when you looked at him with those innocent loving eyes with pure intentions. He didn't care whether you were naked or not.

He pulled you on his lap and you immediately wrapped your arms around him, embarrassed since you were bare.

"Mom was calling me all night and she called me again this morning sounding mad so I came home. I didn't think of what you would feel if you didn't find me by your side and I'm sorry for that baby. I swear" you nodded believing him.

You understood him, you knew how mothers worry about their son going to places without telling them, and you're okay with that.

"It's not my intention to leave you after your special night bub" you placed a kiss on his jaw,

"I know Jungkook" he smiled as he laid you down on the mattress and placed a bunch of kisses all over your face, neck, and collar bones.

You giggled as you tried to push him away. "What? You don't like my kisses anymore?" He pouted.

You shook your head "I love it" you laughed. He removed his shirt leaving him shirtless with only his sweats.

He laid beside you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder "are you alright love?" You nodded and snuggled closer to him as you traced your fingers all over his toned chest and stomach.

"Better now" he leaned his head down to give you a kiss filled with love and passion. You giggled, making him laugh

"stop giggling, I'm trying to kiss you" you stopped after one last laugh and kissed his soft lips that you've been craving.

"I love you" "I Love you too" he placed a kiss on your nose, making you smile.

He paced his hand on your thighs, rubbing it up and down and inching higher by the second, making you whimper.

He grinned at the effect that he had on you but your effect on him is driving him crazy just by hearing your mewl cries. He kissed your cheek and hovered over you.

"I'm sorry for earlier love

Does a make up sex sounds good for you, hm?"

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