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You pondered it for a moment, weighing out the pros and cons, before accepting his offer and following him to his house.


It had been about a week since you moved in with Ranboo, and needless to say, things were looking good. He was a pretty great roommate and even brought you back little gifts from his travels(those gifts mostly consisted of grass blocks but you loved them nonetheless).

You had met his landlords(?) Technoblade and Philza, along with Technoblade's 'emotional support polar bear' Steve. They seemed pretty nice, Philza more than Techno, so you hung out with them when Ranboo would go off on his own.

Ranboo had warned you that he would sometimes sleep walk but you didn't pay it much mind. You also had a habit of sleep walking and waking up in random places, which you did tell Ranboo about.

You were now in Techno and Phil's house, talking with Techno about the red vines on the server, when a loud knock was heard on the door signaling the return of a certain enderman. Before Technoblade could answer the door Ranboo entered looking over to you with a wide grin on his face. He walked through the large doorway and grabbed your wrist, pulling you outside with him.

"Follow me. I have a surprise for you" he spoke gently releasing your wrist as you continued to trail beging him

As you neared the corner you could see the house. Wait. A house? Not the shack?

"What did you-" was all you were able to say before Ranboo started again

"Tubbo and I, well mainly me, updated the house, so creepers won't get in as easily." He rambled on some more about the house and reason why it was redone but you couldn't quite catch it.

As you neared the house you could make out more of the details, seeing the carved stone bricks, the banners hung delicately over the small wheat farm, and the iron door to keep unwanted guests out.

Right before you were about to go in the house, the door opened and Tubbo popped out from behind it scurrying out before it closed. His gaze settled on something behind you two before he spoke.

"Ranboo zombie villagers" he pointed over your shoulder. You both turned around, sure enough seeing two zombified people staggering towards you.

"Alright well we can trap them in a boat and cover them up until I can heal em" Ranboo spoke placing a crafting bench down.You stepped back and leaned on the house, not wanting to participate in this rather boring activity.


The boys had been trying to get the villagers in the boat, for what seemed like ages, to no avail. In fact two zombies had just gotten trapped in the boats instead. Ranboo groaned in frustration taking his sword out to kill the zombie.

⚠️ Animal death⚠️

No. To close. You thought seeing the cat sitting next to the boat, but before you could say anything Ranboo's sweeping edge had cut through the feline. He watched in horror as one of his beloved pets fell over lifeless, before it's body evaporated into the same grey smoke as the zombies.

⚠️End of TW⚠️

You walked over to him quickly, but Tubbo reached him first, pulling him into a warm hug. You both hugged Ranboo for a moment before he walked out of it passing both of you and picking up some grass blocks. He began to mumble to himself walking into the house and grabbing blocks from the chests downstairs before walking back out and away from the house.

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