7- Decorations

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And with that you and Ranboo set out towards Tommy's house. Ranboo told you many stories about Tommy and some of the thing he and Tommy had done together. You weren't sure how you felt about him just yet, but you hoped he was just as funny as he was in the stories.


Ranboo led you up the prime path and past targay to a familiar dirt hut you had seen during the tour Niki and Puffy had given you. Your sights immediately set on two figures standing outside, talking to one another. Tubbo and Tommy?? No.. The one you assumed was Tubbo looked quite different then the past few times you've seen him, but as you walked closer to the two it was, in fact, Tubbo. Well Tubbo with small horns, a brown animal-like nose, animal like ears, and the hind legs of a stag or goat. He was also taller?

(Just want to clarify that Tubbo doesn't have four legs, I'm describing the back legs of a goat in place of his normal two:)

Tommy looked similar to Tubbo, but at the same time very different. He was also a entire head taller than Tubbo aswell. He too had animal ears but his rested on the top of his head and we're more rounded like a raccoon's. His nose was similar to Tubbo's although it was smaller, his hands were the same brown as his ears and faded to his natural skin tone farther up his arm, and instead of stag legs he had a large fluffy tail to match the ears.

"Hey guys!! Y/n this is Tommy. Tommy this is y/n" Tubbo spoke, giving the two of you a wave


"Um I- um- Sorry it's just that- well- I-" you tried to speak, still concerned about Tubbo's transformation into a goat man. Why were you the only one who seemed to have noticed it. You pointed to Tubbo's new ears and he seemed to get the gist.

"Oh yeah well, Tommy and I can shift as well as most people here. Technoblade, Puffy, Wilbur, Sapnap, Sam, Fundy, Schlatt, Dream, and Charlie" Tubbo listed off. Most of these people you didn't know, but Techno and Puffy were like this too?!

"Most of us mainly shift while we're on the DreamSmp land so we're more INTIMIDATING" Tommy added puffing up his chest and tilting his head up in a snobby fashion just for show.

"Ok. Well it would've helped to know that beforehand" you huffed a laugh

"Well we should get going if we want to have you moved into your house before nightfall" Ranboo spoke up pointing a thumb over his shoulder to the nether portal.

"Yeah he's right. It'll probably take us a while to get it done and we want to do some other things today as well" Tubbo said heading towards the stairs


Walking through the portal the familiar warmth of the purple caressed your body as you stepped through. The second Ranboo was through the portal too his hands went to your shoulders, guiding you forwards like a minecart on a rail. Ever since the lava incident last night hadn't even let you look over the edge of the bridge.

Tommy and Tubbo had their own things to say about this, but you were too busy sulking to hear what they were saying. Though you probably should have listened to what they were saying because something Tommy had said caused Ranboo to retract his hands immediately, and shove them in his pockets. You stopped walking, Ranboo bumped into your back at the sudden halt, and looked at Tommy.

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