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And with those words you released the handles to the shop doors.

(Tw:mention of blood/gore)


Something only the gods are untouched by. So when you can die, and come back to life at the hands of others, what does that make you?

What does that make Tommy?

Death is sad, in most cases, and inevitable in any mortal one. Without death one becomes untouched by the realities around them. Immortality will drive someone insane. The feeling of losing everything around you eventually no matter how hard you try, so eventually you just stop. You stop caring about those around you and those of your past because in the future, the inevitable future, there is no end. No relief. No stop to your suffering.

If someone is granted with the powers to make someone nearly immortal. To revive those they have lost so they can never truly experience loss. What does that make them? Does it make them worse than someone who is immortal? Someone who has lost all sense of feeling for those around them? If they won't allow the people who have inevitably reached their ends to remain in limbo with death, unless they themselves die of mortality; Are they any better than someone who has lost all compassion for those around them?

Immortality is a curse, and within that being able to revive someone against their own inevitable death is a crime. When someone dies, no matter who or how, they are dead. They should remain dead, for their families and friends may only suffer more if their healed hearts have healed for nothing.

Death is sad, but it is mandatory. To experience love, hate, happiness, sadness, pain, and loss, it is to be mortal. It is to ultimately die in the end. To feel the relief of mortality finally bringing you to your end.

So, to be glad that Tommy is back, that he is no longer facing the inescapable terms of mortality, what does that make you? Are you a monster for the feeling of overwhelming anger that washed over you once your friend was confirmed to be his living self? Once you found out Ranboo and Tubbo's hearts had healed for nothing.

Are you a monster for hating Dream even more for reviving Tommy?


"Tommy?" Tubbo's words broke through the thick layer of silence as his hands shook violently from the sobs threatening to escape his throat. "How are you here?"

Ranboo moved to Tubbo's side as you watch the exchange from behind Tommy. Your heart felt as if it might just stop working as Tubbo slowly kneeled to the ground beneath him. Tommy's hands had come up to fist at his shirt as he remained seemingly speechless.

You found yourself walking over to Tubbo's side as he uncontrollably sobbed at the sight infront of him.

Truthfully you had never know Tommy well enough to mourn the loss of him, but seeing how horribly it affected Tubbo made you realize how horrible it was. Tubbo, in this moment, looked as if a a wound that had long ago been stitched up and nearly forgotten had now been reopened with the same weapon that had caused it in the first place. That wound was now mercilessly bleeding out, threatening to drain the life from him slowly, yet all too quickly. He grasped at You and Ranboo, grabbing your hands and squeezing them to make sure the people around him were really there.

Tommy's gaze flickered from one of you to the next as he stood awkwardly in the doorway of the shop. He had no idea what to do now, and neither did you.

Moments passed like days as you and Ranboo helped Tubbo calm down and control his breathing. Soon enough sobs turned to sniffles as he looked up to his undead friend.

Tommy hardly looked like he knew what to say or do as he tried to lighten the mood. "We have matching scars now, well yours is bigger but you get it Tubs."

Tubbo slowly lifted himself from the floor of the shop before approaching Tommy and enveloping him into a long hug. "You're alive" He spoke as if it were unknown to Tommy himself. "We thought you died. We thought-"

"I did die. Dream killed me. He beat me, bashed my eye in with a potato of all things. And then he revived me." Tommy huffed a laugh as he mentioned the object of his demise.

"He what?" Tubbo's words were laced with a thick layer of venom as he spoke.

Tommy caught on quickly to the malice laced in his friends tone. "It's fine dude, I'm here now right? That's all that matters."

Tubbo looked at Tommy for a moment before his brows furrowed deeply. "How are you here? Did Dream use the revival thing on you?"

"We can talk about that later alright Tubs? I have a few things I have to do right now." Tommy's eyes cast over to you and Ranboo as he and Tubbo exchanged farewells. A small smile curved at his lips as he nodded his farewells to the two of you aswell.

"What the fuck just happened?" Tubbo asked once Tommy had left the ice cream shop. "I mean I'm glad he's back but how the- no, why the fuck would Dream kill him just to revive him?"

"I- I don't know Tubbo" Ranboo responded gently, his gaze cast out of one of the shop windows following Tommy's figure as he walked further away.

"Maybe he did it so Tommy would owe him?" You spoke out as you thought.

"I don't think so, I mean he was the one who killed him so it cancels out right?" Ranboo responded halfheartedly as he turned his attention to a frog that hopped by outside.

"I don't give two fucks about why Dream did it. All I know is that he's gonna pay for it." Tubbo spoke finally, bringing a fist down into his open palm.

You shook your head in agreement as Ranboo continued to gaze out of the shops windows. In that short moment a sort of agreement settled between the two of you as you began to file away more information about Dream to add to your 'Dream Journal' later.


I wrote the end of this chapter while I was very sleep deprived 😅 so sorry if it's not.up to standard.

Song recommendation I just wanted to throw in: Laugh/Cry by bears in trees

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