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'Yeah' you though 'Nothing will ever be more important then them'


The rest of the afternoon passed by quickly as the four of you decorated Micheal's room.

The three of you headed to Puffy's for about an hour before sunset so you could try on your outfits in case she needed to alter them. Your outfit fit like a dream and you could only imagine how pretty Ranboo and Tubbo might look in theirs. While you were there Puffy ranted on and on about the banquet coming up and about how things were going between her and Bad after the day of Tommy's death.

When you had finished at Puffy's the sun had already begun to dip past the horizon, and had already surely set back home. You and Ranboo had said your goodbyes to Tubbo and Micheal for the night before heading towards the smp lands. Micheal was reluctant to let the two of you go, asking about your safety and when you'd return, before releasing you both with tear filled eyes. Tubbo had scooped him up into a tight hug as you closed the front door behind you, clutching the armor that clung to your body in order to keep yourself from turning around and hunkering down on Tubbo's floor for the evening.

The walk to the portal was mostly silent aside from the occasional zombie or skeleton that would attempt to kill you. Ranboo had taken to writing notes down in the book he kept strapped to his side. It was something he did often due to his memory problems, you had learned. He had only ever allowed you to read it once, when you asked what he had been writing down the day you met. It was a simple yet sweet page detailing you, your eyes, your skin, what he thought you were a hybrid of, your hair, and the expression you wore. A small drawing had taken up the better half of the bottom right corner of the page, a cute doodle of you he had drawn from one of the few times that day you hadn't been staring at him. Ranboo had such a way with words, you had discovered, the way he described every feature on your face, the way he caught the simplest details even you had missed throughout your life, it made you think of yourself as something more than the ugly, or hideous half breed people had always described you as. It made you think of yourself as beautiful.

"Y'know if your not gonna say anything maybe you should stop staring at me." The words caught you off guard as you stumbled on a red vine.

"I wasn't- I wasn't staring." You spoke as Ranboo watched you pick yourself off of the ground and dust yourself off. He huffed a laugh as you continued to walk.

"You were too, I could feel you staring holes into my back." You knew he was right, being part endermen he could almost always sense when someone was watching him. He even hated eye contact just as much as they did.

"Maybe it wasn't me, maybe someone else has been walking behind us all along." You defended

Ranboo rolled his eyes before continuing, "Yeah cause someone would definitely feel the need to follow to teenagers through the smp"

"Yeah what kind of loser would follow two kids anyways?" The sarcastic voice caught the two of you off guard as you tripped over another root.

"Techno not cool man. Next time you decide to jump scared someone make sure the path is clear" you commanded as he and Ranboo laughed at you.

"Sorry, but aren't blazes able to fly. It's really your fault if you think about it"

You stuck out your tongue at him before you rebuttaled "And I thought hoglins were supposed to have an astounding sense of smell. Guess we're both disappointments. Well except I can fly, kinda it's more of a hover, but it's only when I'm really angry." Techno let out an upset snort at your words as he strode past you.

"I have a better sense of smell than you, and I'm faster"

"I think he's challenging you to a race" Ranboo whisper screamed at your side

"Yeah I got that Ran. There's no way your faster than me."

"I don't know kid, blazes are usually pretty slow."

"Why don't we test that theory. Race to the tundra?"

"Done." Techno spoke as he set of towards the nether hub portal.

"YOU'RE A CHEATER" you screamed as Ranboo started laughing, the two of you running after the hoglin.


Techno lost.

He has tripped on the bridge while running past a zombified hoglin, before tumbling over the side. He had tried to catching himself but his larger physique was harder to stop in such a short amount of time. You had obviously stopped to make sure he was alright as his body fell from the bridge before spotting the enderpearl in his hoofed hand. You had made it through the portal three seconds before he had, you had proved yourself the fasted by three seconds.

Techno, as described by Philza, had always been a sore loser, especially when it came to fight he thought he could win. In this case it was no different, he huffed angrily as he shifted back to his human form before pulling stomping angrily through the snow. You and Ranboo nearly laughed your heads off as you made your way to Techno's cottage. To Techno's absolute horror Phil was outside planting various flowers and bushes he heard could survive the cold weather.

As Phil heard the crunching of Techno's angry stomps he turned to his old friend. "Hey mate how has your day been, oh and Ranboo and- What's wrong Techno? Did something happen?"

Phil looked past his friend, when he didn't respond, to you and Ranboo, still giggling to one another. "Techno lost" was all Ranboo could get out.

Techno froze, his shoulders raising high as he slowly turned to face the two of you. A look that could only be read as 'im going to murder you in your sleep' was plastered across his face as the two of you suddenly found the situation less funny.

Phil huffed an understanding sigh as he turned back to his work. "Don't be a sore loser Techno, you can't win it all" At Phil's words Techno huffed a much more human sigh as he walked over to his friend.

"Well, we should probably get going now, the sun's already set, and I'm sure y/n needs to feed colored pencil." Ranboo excused as you fervently shook your head in agreement.

"Yeah and I have to water my plants too, and Ranboo had to feed his cats."

The four of you exchanged quick goodbyes before you and Ranboo made your way to your houses. Colored Pencil greeted you at your door as you cooed out your hellos to him. You rekindled the fireplace before setting to work on making your beloved pet wolf a steak.


Once all of your household chores were finished you set to work on a much more important project. How to get rid of the whole Dream problem.

From the way he has been describe by all of the other smp members he was nearly a god, and from his relation to Foolish you now knew why. They all described him as a kind person at first, aside from Foolish. He had some sort of built up tension with him brother, something that had developed throughout their entire lives.

You paused your train of thought for a moment before deciding this might be something you should write down. You quickly fetched one of the empty books from your bookshelf and sat down at your desk before writing what you had already noted.

Dream problem,

Phase one: Notes

Dreams skin is the same as his brothers, only silver in hue, both can be melted by an intense heat.
Dream is a demigod, and similar to Foolish has a second form which is a small white blob version of himself.
Dream, as far as I know, doesn't have any useful power that could help the server, so within that I must raise a question:

Why is he so important?

So I may or may not have accidentally lost the photo of the winning outfit you guys chose, but no one fear! I am looking for it, but If I can't find it I'll use a stand in that looks similar :)

Istg if people follow Dreams vote o the new mob again this year I'll cry. He's going to pick the most useless mob I can already tell 😭😭

Speaking of vote, vote for this chapter!!

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