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Philza would know what to do.

As you stepped out of your house the morning air seemed a bit colder than usual, or maybe you were. It didn't matter though, you weren't worried about temperatures at the moment, you were worried about so many other things that your only current goal was finding Phil.

As anyone who wanted to find the winged man would, you followed the crows. One crow after the next all leading you to him like a scattered cobblestone path. Crow feathers littered the area around his home as you passed by it, a small smile gracing your features at the thought Phil had dropped off the package from earlier himself. He always treated you and Ranboo like his children and Technoblade like the old friend he was. You admired the way they both looked out for one another, and especially how Techno would take extra precautions into making sure Philza was safe. They seemed more like family than friends, almost brotherly with a lack of bickering.

The snow crunched beneath your feet as you weaved beneath limbs and over roots in the snow. Traveling by foot was always something you enjoyed, it reminded you of your time. Before tridents and enderpearls. It reminded you of home. That's right, Home.

Your memory was fairly blurry now from the years spent wandering carved halls and crying beneath the sun. Years passing faster in this realm than that of the bright white one. You could barely remember your mother or father, just their names. You couldn't even remember someone who had been closer to you than them, they were merely a shadow in your memories. A faint smile and warmer-than-you hug. The tug of an older figure pulled at the strings of memories in the back of your mind, blonde hair, and green eyes, accompanied by a large hat and something bright you couldn't quite remember. The figure reminded you of someone you knew now, you just couldn't quite place it.

The trail of crows stopped outside of the snow forest, just on the edge. A nice sized pond lay in the ground accompanied by a dock, surrounded by trees, creating a thick cover that no one could see through unless right outside of the clearing. Flower beds were kept neatly in rows near the edges of the clearing. A figure laying off to the side of the pond caught your eye. Philza, in all his bird-like glory, laid gently in the grass leaning against the only tree inside the clearing, a fishing pole tucked between his crossed legs as his hat tipped down low. The rod was casted nearly in the middle of the pond, and by the looks of it a fish was making it's way to snatch the bait right now.

Within a few moments the fish had snatched the bait, giving it a good yank, sending a jolt through Phil's body, all the way to the tips of his wings as the reached forward to grab it. He quickly reeled in the line and at the end of it a small salmon flopped around rigidly in the air. You gave a small laugh as Philza reached forward to grab the salmon before taking the hook from it's mouth.

As you stepped into the clearing you could hear Phil faintly praise his own work before cursing at the crows that came to peck at his catch. A louder laugh escaped your lips and for a second Phil froze before he looked up at you with a smile you could only describe as a pensive sort of melancholy. He looked like that often when you were around and why, you had no idea.

"Hello y/n, I suppose you got my letter. Once again I really am sorry mate, I didn't mean to be insensitive." He said, patting the ground beside him to welcome you

"There's no need to apologize again Phil, I forgive you. Besides I really needed to speak with you on another topic." You took your seat next to him under the shade of what looked to be an old apple tree.

"Really? I'm glad to hear, but what could've been so important that you followed the crows all this way?" He handed you the salmon, a signal as to what he wanted you to do with it.

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