24- To be Wed

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The red vines are barely legible, but you can see them moving, expanding. The thought of them grounds you. You're going to the banquet soon, so there's no need to worry about The Egg. Bad made it clear in his note that this was something meant to bring peace to everyone. It's fine, you convinced yourself as your mind began to mix your nightmares with reality. The nightmare you had was about the in-between, so why did your mind continue to connect them to the egg?

Nerves fluttered in your gut as you sat in your bed. The feeling of being pampered was strange, and the feeling of a ring on your finger was even more so. You had to admit you were a bit envious of Tubbo and Ranboo for their horns. They had simply been able to slip on their rings and tighten them where they landed. Your ring had taken much longer due to your temperature and slender finger.

The three of you had decided to have two sets of rings made, the engagement rings and the wedding rings. One pair would be made the day before the ceremony, for your right hand, and the three of you would put them on one another in private. The other pair would be strictly for the ceremony, for your left hand, and placed on one another after your vows were exchanged.

Tubbo had commissioned Fundy to make the rings the same day that Tommy had come back. Something that you had been unaware of about the fox shifter was how nothing ever seemed to stay on the down low with him. By the end of the day before the wedding the whole of the server had known about the wedding and many had already sent letters marking their attendence(even those uninvited).

Niki had of course been invited to the wedding, and had volunteered herself, Puffy, someone named Callahan, and someone named Eret to be your personal posse for the day of the wedding.

Of course, you felt it was unfair that only you would have your friends near you on your wedding day and decided to ask a few of Tubbo and Ranboo's friends if they would pamper your partners.

Now, here you sat, staring out of the window of your house with a tray of freshly made breakfast in your lap. Niki and Eret ran through your house as they brought in various pampering supplies for you. Puffy was busy pressing the wrinkles out of your outfits, while Callahan tried to get your opinion on whether you wanted to wear flats or heels by waving the shoes in your faces and raising a brow. You ultimately chose the flats, not only for comfort but for practicality aswell. Gods know you'd break an ankle if you had to wear heels all day.

Your appetite left you as the nerves ate away at your gut. The food infront of you, pancakes and an assortment of fruit, looked unappetizing as your mind made a list of negative thoughts. So many things could go wrong during the ceremony. What if they didn't want to marry you? What if you were forcing your way into their relationship? No. You reminded yourself. They had wanted you to marry them. They welcomed you into their relationship. Besides your marriage was purely platonic, so it's not like they would fall in love with each other and leave you behind, right?

Your mind tracked back to your partners, were they as nervous as you? You hoped not, the wedding would surely turn into a disaster if both of them were thinking the same things as you.

You were drawn from your thoughts at the call of your name. Niki had apparently been trying to get your attention for the past few seconds.

"You need to eat at least something." Her voice was gentle as she spoke, pushing your breakfast further into your lap. She turned to Callahan before speaking again. "Please make sure she eats something."

Callahan motioned his hands infront of his chest for a few moments. When Niki was satisfied with his response she nodded at him before turning to help Puffy and Eret.

Time escaped you as you scooped bite after bite into your mouth, not bothering to enjoy the flavour of your meal.

Eventually after your meal was finished and your hair was tied up in a slightly uncomfortable style, you were almost ready to put on your outfit.

A knock sounded from downstairs, loud and rapid. Callahan hurried down the stairs to answer it. The sound of an all too familiar voice echoed through your home, calling your name. Your heart felt as if it fell to the floor as dread pooled in your gut. Footsteps sounded up the stairs until they reach the floor in which you resided. You made eye contact with the brunette. Taking note of the clothing he wore, shades contrasted to the ones you normally saw him in. Shades of grey's now replaced with vibrant blue, purple, pink, and green.

"We need to talk." Karl spoke voice breaking as he eyed you warily. You nodded at him before excusing yourself to your friends.


The attic was chilly in the mornings, aside from the area next to the chimney which pumped heat and smoke into the white sky above. It wasn't snowing outside, you noted, meaning Tubbo was right in his estimation that today would be bright and sunny. Colored pencil watched Karl closely as he shifted infront of you.

"Karl." You spoke unsure of what to say in the moment. Gut churning with a mixture of feelings. Part of you had been delaying this for as long as you could. You had made a home for yourself here after all, and there was no way in dreamXD you'd go back now. "Why are you here?" Was all you could muster.

Karl huffed a sigh steadying himself on the wall before he spoke. "It's about the in-between. It wants you back."

1007 words
I'm not officially back yet but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things!! Sorry if this chapter feels short I promise they'll get real... Interesting soon ;)

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