A/N- A bit more information

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Hello everyone I hope you're all having an amazing day!!

I'm just making this as sort of a q/a part of the story. Feel free to ask any questions about this story here, and I'll try to answer them as best as I can!!

And with that we can move onto our next topic of discussion. Y/n. I haven't really given much as to her personality other than the story summary in the information chapter, and I thought it was about time for you to learn more about her since this is a y/n story.

First of all the topic of the in-between. I've seen a few people confused on as to why she wants to go back, and the answer to that is she's confused as well. She's never had a real home since the people from her past treated her as if she were meaningless and made it clear they didn't want her around. Her parents(mother-blaze father-human) both died when she was younger from causes I won't reveal quite yet, and she has no siblings(so for the messages people have sent me asking if sapnap or jack are related to her, no they're not).

Once she found the in-between it became an escape for her and allowed her to feel free and travel to any time period she wanted. She was later trapped in the in-between for two reasons that will be revealed at later date, but since being trapped in the in-between she's seen what it's true intentions are. She hates looking at herself in mirrors or reflective surfaces because it reminds her of the doubles that would aimlessly roam the halls. When she found karl in the in-between it wouldn't allow her to approach him. She wanted to warn him so she left the books(the ones that had warnings in them) for him to find. The one time she was able to break free of the in-betweens grasp she reached out to karl, and well you know the rest :).

Y/n is immune to the burning effects of fire and lava since she's part blaze, so when she cries her tears, being water, burn her. She has also built up a high pain tolerance from the countless times her old 'friends' used to pour water on her or push her out into the rain.

⚠️Mild gore in the last sentence ⚠️
When she's in the nether she feels the full affects of her blaze side and has horrible self control when it comes to swimming in lava. Since she is only half blaze she can't breath in lava. Much like humans can't breath in water, except instead of drowning her body would burn/cook from the inside out.

Y/n body is warmer than the average humans, making her like a human sized heating pad. Her body heat increases/decreases according to her feeling, but mainly stays at around 110-120°f(so she doesn't burn people with physical contact normally). When she's near death/injured/very tired her body heat will decrease due to lack of energy. Y/n also doesn't need to wear warm clothes in the snow biomes due to her heat and has often found herself overheating. If she's angry or feeling an intense emotion her body temperature can increase to anywhere from 200-350°f(which can and maybe has burnt people or things).

I hope this helped and remember if you have any questions feel free to ask :)

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