23. 𝑳𝒆𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑭𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝑼𝒏𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒅

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   Jaemin felt like a different person

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   Jaemin felt like a different person.

   As he looked into the bathroom mirror, a black tux with a white button up shirt underneath it adorning his body, he found it hard to recognize any remnants of his past self. So much of him has changed in the last few months. He could no longer see the naive, innocent boy he used to be. All he could see were his pained eyes, his grim face. He wishes he could be who he used to be, and a part of him could be if he allowed it, but he couldn't. He could never be that ignorant again, not after seeing firsthand where it gets you.

   Today is the final, dreaded day. Jeno's funeral.

   It has been exactly two months and fifteen days since the last time Jaemin saw Jisung, and since he admitted that he murdered his best friend. It still felt like it happened yesterday.

   Smith ended up having to drag Jaemin away from his lover's body, who still remained on the floor. Ignoring his cries and protests, he pulled him outside where the flashing of red and blue lights brought Jaemin away from his own despair to notice his parents and siblings, alongside some nosy neighbors standing outside.

   Mrs. Na covers her mouth, her eyes crinkling at the sight of her son before running up to him, engulfing him in a hug. Jaemin stood still, not even having the strength to lift his arms up and return the embrace. He felt dull, empty. Too many people were surrounding him, too many people knew what happened. Jisung was still inside, waiting for a medic to take care of what he did to him.

   Remember what he did...Who he is...A murderer.

   He could see Officer Smith speak to his father as an ambulance finally arrived on sight. They rushed into the home and quickly came out, carrying Jisung out on a stretcher. His body was covered, but Jaemin knew what he looked like, the picture of his blood staining his skin and hair forever ingrained into his mind.

   A sob escaped Jaemin's lips as he watched, his mother only rubbing his back comfortingly.

   The first thing they had done after getting Jisung on the ambulance was take Jaemin to the station. The brunette hated every aspect of it, they hadn't even allowed him to change, nor shower. Now they were going to interrogate him? The boy felt like a weak stick holding onto it's last branch, barely hanging on.

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